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11 Things Most Men Don’t Realize They’re Doing Wrong

Get it together, guys. With the help of Gillette Fusion ProGlide Sensitive 2-in-1 Shave Gel Plus Skin Care, you can kill two birds with one stone and get back to solving the rest of your problems.

1. Forgetting to use conditioner.

2. Using your laptop on your actual lap.

Turns out the heat generated from your laptop isn't so good for the ol' sperm count. Keep your future in mind, and put that baby on a desk.

3. Or wearing skinny jeans that are just a smidgeon too tight.

Beyond fertility, your circulation may be at risk. Think!

4. Not washing their clothes often enough.

5. Applying cologne as if it were meant to freshen the room, not your body.

6. Dancing.

7. Wearing ribbed tanks regardless of the circumstances.

8. And wearing flip-flops anywhere besides the beach.

9. Talking to people via online dating apps like a hooligan.

10. Or waiting too long to send a followup text after you finally manage to have a good date.

11. Not being able to roll with the punches.

And finally, leaving ugly rust rings in their bathroom.