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12 Stupidly Easy Things You Can Do For Your Health

Movember is the month when men everywhere grow mustaches for men's health. But no matter what month it is, here are a dozen things you can do to improve your life that are so insanely easy, you have literally no excuse not to do them.

1. Sleeeeeeep.

2. Get off the train/bus one stop early.

3. Eat more chocolate

4. Wear sunscreen.

5. Replace one soda per day with water.

6. Take the stairs.

7. Skim milk good. Whole milk b-a-a-a-a-a-a-d.

8. Eat kale.

9. Become good friends with olive oil.

10. Pee as soon as you have to.

11. Get up from your desk every now and then.

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Groom yourself for a long, prosperous life by growing a mo this month, like these dudes did.