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16 Ways Zombies Are Just Like Us

We actually have a lot in common with them! Here are a few similarities we share with the undead. To see what else you don't have to be scared of, click here and check out #dontbescared on Twitter.

1. They wake up in the morning feeling like crap

2. They drink from the carton

3. They talk to themselves

4. They have problems with portion control

5. They get every single Rihanna song stuck in their heads

6. They expect romance to be like it is in the movies

7. They get bored

8. They insist on silence at the cinema

9. They are shocked when they find money in their pocket

10. They hate the instruments their parents make them play

11. They'll do anything to avoid going to the doctor

12. They get food poisoning

13. They wish they could "unsee" things

14. They aren't crazy about being alone in the dark

15. They fall asleep in places that aren't meant for sleeping

16. They care about others

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They want to help us when we need help. We just have to let them!