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The 16 Most Comforting Joys Of Coming Home For The Holidays

No matter how fast time flies by, the best parts of the season always stay the same. Which of these are you looking forward to this year?

1. That moment you realize you never need to get "reacquainted" with your family pet — you just missed each other too much.

2. Crawling into crisp, clean sheets and a perfectly puffy comforter.

3. Stumbling downstairs in your pajamas...

4. ...and realizing you don't have to take them off for the next few DAYS if you don't feel like it.

5. Waking up to the smell of fresh pancakes.

6. The spoils of central air and heat.

7. That wave of warmth that hits you in the house after running around outside.

8. Your first sip of piping hot cocoa.

9. Kitchen synergy of salty and sweet.

10. Reciting your favorite nighttime wish.

11. Sharing a middle-of-the-night plate of fries in the same diner booth where you sat with the same friends every Saturday night in high school.

12. Someone else doing the laundry for just once!

13. Forging a new connection with someone you didn't know as well growing up.

14. The casual catch-up with your parent or sibling that gets deep.

15. The crackles from snuggling close to the fire.

16. The gratitude of your surrounding friends and family.

Ghirardelli SQUARES® wish you warmth, coziness, and comfort this holiday season!