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10 Fantasy Family Vacations You Can Take In The Backyard

Want to get away, but need to save money? Just use a little imagination, and you'll be delighted at the magical outcome. Imagination can also help you have "the talk" with your family about long term care planning.

1. Hike the Adirondacks.

2. Navigate through Treasure Island.

3. Trek through Iceland.

4. Deep-sea dive in the Pacific Ocean.

5. Camp at Yellowstone National Park.

6. Tour France.

7. Wine and dine in Italy.

8. Rocket to the moon on a journey through space.

9. Dance in Hawaii.

10. Go bird watching in the Amazon.

Hiking in the woods, hanging in the backyard, or having coffee? It doesn't matter where you have "the talk" about long term care planning. It's just important that you have the conversation.