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17 Things We All Remember About Doing Workout Videos

It was just you, the screen, and destiny. Reminisce about your most glorious workouts, and help boost your energy today with Cheerios power-packed oats.

1. Rearranging an entire room for a 30-minute workout.

2. Choosing an outfit that is on point.

3. Stretching on the floor and feeling weird about it.

4. Punching air and feeling GREAT about it.

5. Incorporating your pet. Or child.

6. Fast-forwarding through the super-difficult part.

7. And then slowing it down, because you "didn't hear the instructions correctly."

8. Adding a little extra flair to the routine because you're worth it.

9. Using household items as weights.

10. Literally having no idea what's happening onscreen.

11. Checking yourself in the mirror.

12. Having a full-blown panic attack when someone walks in.

13. And then getting territorial when they want to participate as well.

14. Being impressed / appalled by the instructor's endurance.

15. Yelling at the screen when you just can't.

16. Approaching the final minute and feeling like a god.

17. And being unable to get the soundtrack out of your head for days.

Now, you at home, it's time to pump it up! Help get the energy you need from Cheerios, powered by oats.