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13 Organizational Hacks Your Roommates Will Thank You For

If you want good roommate karma, always replace the toilet paper roll. And if you want to save money on renter's insurance, switch to GEICO!

1. Keep your food separated with bins or (if you're feeling mischievous) a locker with its very own combination lock. :P

We all secretly dip into our roommate's food, but this one "Stops Refrig-A-Raiders"!

2. Use an app like Homeslice to make sure everyone does their share of the household chores.

3. Or make a crafty pinwheel chart to keep chores on rotation!

4. Keep your mail, keys, and to-dos neat with a chalkboard organizer near the front door.

5. Make sure everyone has their own personalized mug to drink from.

We've all faced a mountain of mugs and glasses in the sink. Having assigned glassware will save you time and energy (and it's good for a few chuckles).

6. You can synchronize a central household shopping list across multiple phones with the OurGroceries app.

If someone picks up salt at the grocery store, they can remove it from the communal list with just one tap. Now you know not to buy salt! Because two salts = unnecessary.

7. You can also simplify your roommate expense management system with the Splitwise app.

Nobody wants to deal with actual money anymore, amirite?

8. Use labels to make sure everyone knows what's up with the dishwasher.

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Dishwashers can be contentious. Why not have a drama-free dishwasher instead?

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Dishwashers can be contentious. Why not have a drama-free dishwasher instead?

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Dishwashers can be contentious. Why not have a drama-free dishwasher instead?

9. Pro tip: Assign everyone their own colored ice cube tray... you don't open the freezer and find this:

10. Get command hooks to give everyone their own shower caddy.

11. Use a mason jar organizer to keep your bathroom things separate.

No more roommate toothbrush cross-contamination! Get DIY instructions here.

12. Keep track of stray socks with a missing sock holder everyone can use.

13. Set up a schedule so every roommate has the place to themselves once a month!

When it comes to roommates, there is an unspoken code that we all adhere to. Just ask these tiny animals:

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