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12 Fun And Geeky Things To Do While You’re In New York

NYCC is over, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy all the fun things in New York! It's not surprising this city is full of geeky adventures, just like it's not surprising that you can save money by switching to GEICO.

1. If you're not tired of walking, you should definitely explore the American Museum of Natural History.

2. Get your game on at The Compleat Strategist.

3. Get your arcade game on at Barcade.

4. Zip over to Brooklyn and gear up at the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co.

5. Get a drink with your companions at The Way Station.

6. Check out some movie magic at the Museum of the Moving Image.

7. Collect 'em all and visit Toy Tokyo.

8. If you can escape the dealers room...try some puzzles and see if you can win Escape the Room NYC.

9. If your backpack isn't too full of comic books, head over to The Strand and fill your bag with even more novels (used and new)!

10. Didn't find the figurine you wanted? Head to Forbidden Planet to see what's in stock there.

11. Get some nerd cred at Videology in Brooklyn by winning one of their trivia tournaments.

12. Necronomi-nom-nom-nom at Lovecraft, a restaurant and bar that's inspired by HP Lovecraft.

Until next year, NYCC!