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11 Creative Holiday Card Ideas That Are Easy To Do

Snapping a photo is as easy as one, two, cheese! See how easy it is to switch to GEICO today. Fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.

1. Don't underestimate a good matching outfit.

2. Or the addition of simple paper props.

3. Take advantage of the weather and gather everyone outside to make snow angels.

4. No need to even wake the little one...just swaddle them into a snowbaby.

5. And even if the kids aren't cooperative...take advantage of the moment for a "real" holiday portrait.

6. The setup for a messy holiday kitchen portrait is easy...

7. Take "action" shots of the family decorating.

8. And if anyone is a bit camera shy...take a family sock photo!

9. Go lo-fi and snap pics with an instant camera.

10. Dedicate your entire card to the family members who matter the most...

11. And if all else fails, throw some lights and holiday decorations in a pile, and let your kids go at it.

Holiday cards are an easy way to share your family's personality! It's almost as easy as switching to GEICO. Fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.