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16 Weird Things You Totally Did At High School Dances

When you're at a high school dance, you don't always know what to do. But when it comes to saving money on car insurance, you know GEICO could save you 15% or more!

1. Arriving at the dance to see that literally everyone had the same updo.

2. Struggling to pin the boutonniere on your date while everyone took pictures of it.

3. Then just having your mom pin it on them for you.

4. Taking pictures of your feet — 'cause heels.

5. And your hands — 'cause corsages.

6. And your feet again later – 'cause heels are rough.

7. Lining up outside your house for a round of pics that definitely looked "natural" and "chill."

8. Then moving on to the park where your heels could sink nicely into the dirt.

9. Allowing a bunch of teens to rent a limousine with little to no adult supervision.

10. Looking like you were about to marry your date...

11. ...even when your date rolled in with unapproved accessories.

12. Mashing into a photo booth to take a low-quality pic.

13. Or taking pics in front of a super-cool, really futuristic green screen.

14. Partaking in terrible synchronized dances that lasted longer than your high school education.

15. Standing a mile away from your date as you "slow-danced."

16. And delving deep into the post-dance feast.

It’s pretty surprising all the silly stuff we did in high school! What’s not surprising is how much you could save on car insurance by switching to GEICO.