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10 Christmas Ornaments That Perfectly Sum Up 2013

Want the best tree this year? Put all these delightful ornaments on it! Have a wonderful New Year, from your friends at GEICO customer service.

1. "Harlem Shake" Ornament

Remember the "Harlem Shake" meme? Everyone made one! Even your mom's PTA group! Sometimes the dancing involved a horse head.

Buy it here.

2. 3D-Printed Ornament

3. Doge Ornaments

wow. such funny. very meme.

The "doge" meme really blew up this year! So here's a perfect way to have the best tree ever.

4. "What Does the Fox Say?" Ornament

If you haven't seen "What Does the Fox Say?" then you've been living under a rock. It's only the funniest song in 2013 about animal noises.

5. Sharknado Ornament

6. Selfie Ornament

Did you know that the 2013 word of the year is "selfie?" It is. THE MORE YOU KNOW!

7. Grumpy Cat Ornament

Grumpy Cat won a lifetime achievement from TIME magazine this year. YEAR OF THE GRUMPY CAT!

8. Hot Dogs or Legs Ornament

Sometimes it's hard to discern whether a photo at the beach is of hot dogs or legs. So then this beautiful Tumblr was born. Now put it on your tree.

9. Hadouken Meme Ornament

Remember this meme? Hadouken was the new "planking" or whatever. Commemorate it on your tree. OR EVER BETTER... stage a photo in front of your tree too!

10. Snapchat Ornament

And finally, a camel ornament for your Christmas Hump Day.

Happy New Year!

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