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    Can You Get This Space Marine Chapters Quiz Right?

    For the uninitiated, Warhammer 40,000 is a tabletop wargame set in the year 40,000 (the clue was right there) where human civilisation has touched over a million worlds across the Milky Way. Aliens, traitors and worse battle the Imperium of Man who rely on the guts of the Astra Militarum– comprising of regular human soldiers with a flak jacket and a lasgun - to go up against unspeakable alien horrors. But since it’s the far future, humanity can also call upon the might of the Adeptus Astartes – Space Marines. These are genetically enhanced super soldiers who stand head and shoulders above the rest of humanity they are sworn to protect and are clad in the finest armour and wield the best weapons humanity has to offer. Sounds pretty cool right?

    Anyway, a Space Marine fights in an army (called a Chapter) consisting of around 1,000 fellow marines and there are about 1,000 of these Chapters in the lore of the setting. Each Chapter has its own colour scheme if you were to collect a small army for the tabletop (don’t worry you don’t have to buy, build and paint 1,000 plastic space men). There are plenty pre-existing Chapters to choose from, each with their own colour scheme and heraldry, or you could devise your own colour scheme with which to paint your lil plastic space man come killing machine.

    In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium there is only war! Space Marines come in different colours so you can catch them all. I’ve put together a list of Space Marines from some of the most well known to the more obscure Chapters and it’s up to you to see how many you can get right!