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A Group Of Women Hilariously Recorded A Video While Trying To Take A Selfie

The video has been dubbed by some people as "the best selfie in the world."

Last week, this video of a group of women trying to take a selfie while the camera was filming went viral.

View this video on YouTube


The women "posed" for a group selfie for almost a minute and a half.

One of the women's daughters saw the video and posted it on YouTube. The video has since gone viral, garnering over 1 million views since last week.

BuzzFeed Brazil spoke with Camila Paes, daughter of one of the famous ladies.

"After they all went home, Silvia (who filmed the attempted selfie) decided to look at the pictures on the phone and found the video. When she saw it, she burst out laughing and sent it off to the other sisters," Camila explained.

The women have become a hit in their native country, Brazil, and have made television appearances with local media.

She says all the ladies have WhatsApp and Facebook and are super active on social media. "They're the ones who message the most in the family group," says Camila.