We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    28 TikTok-Famous Skincare Products Under $20 That You’ll Want To Add To Your Cart

    Including a Korean serum that's so magical, you'll basically be able to hear your skin thanking you.

    1. A lightweight Cosrx mild gel cleanser if you want to be able to wash your face without having it feel bone dry afterwards. Its relatively low pH helps balance and protect your skin from acne-causing irritants without stripping it. It's also enriched with tea-tree oil and BHA to help keep your skin nice and smooth.

    A reviewer holding the cleanser
    A reviewer's before and after showing reduced acne marks and clearer, glowing skin

    Check it out in this TikTok.

    All Cosrx products are dermatologist-tested, cruelty-free, and have no parabens, sulfates, or phthalates.

    Promising review: "After hours of exhaustive research on Korean gentle cleansers, I finally decided upon a cleanser. This was one of the best decisions I have ever made for my face! I have sensitive, combination, and very volatile skin, so if I ever make it unhappy, it definitely lets me know. This cleanser is light enough that it doesn't feel thick or cloying, it has a very subtle smell (which I love), and the ph of the cleanser is so low that the only thing I am worried about for my face anymore is the ph of the water I am splashing on my face. It hasn't caused any bad breakouts or negative reactions like drying or tightness of skin but it can certainly handle itself in the department of a full face cleanser. This has caused me to look forward to trying more Cosrx products!" —Haley Hart

    Get it from Amazon for $12+ (available in two sizes).

    2. The Saem hydrating eye stick that has a cooling formula to help de-puff the area around your eyes and reduce the appearance of dark circles so no one at the office starts asking you why you look like a Tim Burton character.

    Reviewer photo of the eye stick
    Reviewer with dark undereye circles before using the stick and brightened, smoother undereyes after using the stick

    Check it out in this TikTok.

    It also can help tighten the appearance of eye wrinkles if you'd prefer for them not to be as noticeable. And here's a tip! It reduces puffiness faster if used after refrigeration.

    Promising review: "This is definitely a miracle product. I was impressed that it worked so well, so fast, and so instantly. The packaging is silly but whimsical; I enjoy it. This is the last thing I apply before walking out the door. First day I used it, I put it on and got in my car — I looked in the rear view mirror and my heart jumped. My eyes had de-puffed on my walk down the front path!!! So impressive. It's not hydrating, it’s more tightening/brightening. If you have dry under eyes, use a creamy hydrating eye cream first, and apply this over it — problem solved. You don’t get much product, but you don’t need to use much either, and it’s not like it’s expensive. Definitely worth it if a product actually DOES what it claims it’ll do!!! Buy it!" —Joseph S.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90.

    3. A gentle bubbly clay mask, which will be a total hit at the next girls' night in. Not only will it help rid you of those pesky blackheads and reduce the appearance of pores — you'll also get the funniest pics out of it!

    Check out a TikTok of the foaming mask in action.

    Promising review: "I love this stuff! I received some for a gift and then purchased it for my daughter from Amazon. It feels like a clay mask going on, and then starts bubbling and turns to a thinner substance when it's done. I feel like it is very gentle on my face. My skin feels amazing after I wash it off. It feels like I used moisturizer, even though I did not. I hear that these masks are very popular in Japan." —LizaB

    Get it from Amazon for $9.88.

    4. A bottle of TikTok-famous Cosrx Snail Mucin Power Essence because it will soothe and rejuvenate your skin so effectively, it'll make you think the exact opposite of "ew" when you think of snail mucin. It can also give your skin a natural "I woke up like this" glow that has earned it over 33,000 5-star ratings!

    Bottle of the snail essence
    Reviewer's before and after showing reduced acne scars and smoother skin

    Check it out in this TikTok.

    And tell Gary not to worry! The snail mucin is obtained in a safe way, so no snails are harmed!

    I've personally been using this for months now and it's amazing how it's improved aspects of my skin that I didn't even know needed improving. I didn't think my skin looked too dull before, but after see how this brightened and soothed my skin, I'm never going back. I spray my face with rose water, gently pat the essence into my skin while it's still damp, and let it absorb. Plus, it absorbs so quickly, it's like your skin is saying "gimme gimme gimme!!"

    Promising review: "I’ve been using this morning and night for about two weeks and I can say I understand the hype! My skin looks better than it has in so long. Firstly, the texture surprised me. When you think snail mucin, you think slimy and gross. This wasn’t sticky or slimy whatsoever. I was afraid it was gonna leave my skin feeling gross and slippery. Surprisingly, my skin drank it right up! No residue whatsoever and it’s a nice primer before makeup. I have oily skin and it’s helped with that as well. My skin is so soft, with a nice healthy glow. I’ve noticed my red spots from past acne is fading and my skin just overall looks great. Highly recommend!" —Sarah D.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.98.

    5. Missha's Soft Finish Sun Milk sunscreen approved by many reviewers with oily skin who rave about its ability to blend and not leave a greasy finish. It has SPF 50+ protection and resists water, sweat, and tears. (Hopefully tears of joy!) It also creates a silky smooth base — perfect for wearing under a full face of makeup.

    Check it out in this TikTok.

    In the progression photos above, you can see a reviewer before applying the sun milk, after applying the sun milk, and then the sun milk under makeup.

    Although many reviewers say they don't experience a white cast with this, it is an untinted mineral sunscreen — so results in terms of white cast may vary!

    Promising review: "I have dark, oily skin and purchased this product after reading recommendations. There is no white cast; you can barely see it upon application unless you use too much. You definitely do not need a lot, it spreads thin. When it dries, any color is gone. It also helps slow down my face getting all greasy as the day goes on, which I love. My skin is very, very oily but I can still apply this after my moisturizer and feel totally comfortable. I'm not a fan of scents, and the scent on this is extremely mild." —Ms. Renee

    Get it from Amazon for $19.90.

    6. A facial ice roller — aka a super ~cool~ way of reducing puffiness and under-eye circles. Just pull it out of the fridge or freezer in the morning, and it'll help your skin (and you!) wake up.

    reviewer's hand holding a plastic ice roller which is shaped like a shaving razor but with a bar that rolls at the end
    Reviewer image of eyes before and after using the ice roller to reduce puffiness

    Reviewers also swear by this for migraines and cooling down on hot days, so it's multitalented.

    Promising review: "Another TikTok find. I love this product. Helps with redness and inflammation. I used it after I put serums on my face, then after I put my eye cream and face lotion on. Has helped with inflammation of pimples and decrease pore visibility!" —Makenzie

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in 12 colors).

    7. Beauty of Joseon serum if you're a real glow getter. The niacinamide and propolis extract formula can help you maintain clearer skin, brighten dark spots, and give you a dewy glow, thanks to its honey-like texture.

    A reviewer holding the serum
    A reviewer with glowing skin after applying the serum

    Check it out in this TikTok.

    Promising review: "From the moment I started using this serum I saw results! The combination of propolis and niacinamide in this serum is a winning formula. My complexion has never looked this radiant and healthy. It effectively addresses dark spots and hyperpigmentation, visibly reducing their appearance. What makes this serum even more remarkable is its lightweight and fast-absorbing texture. It feels like silk on my skin and leaves no greasy residue. I can apply it seamlessly without worrying about it disrupting my makeup or other skincare products. The hydrating properties of this serum are a game changer. My skin feels intensely nourished and plump, minimizing the look of fine lines and wrinkles. The only downside is the price. I think it's a bit expensive for the amount of product you get. However, it's so good that I'll still leave it at 8/5 stars!" —Yuna Lee

    Get it from Amazon for $15.98+ (available in three other formulations; you can also get a pack with all four).

    8. A popular pack of Skin1004 pore tightening and lifting masks that has surprised reviewers with its immediate results. These fast-acting masks are made with albumin, aloe vera, and centella asiatica extract to hydrate and lift your skin, tighten enlarged pores, clear small breakouts, and give you that "just came fresh from the spa" glow.

    Check it out in this TikTok.

    To use, mix the powder and activator and apply it onto your face. FYI — you'll look like a character from The Walking Dead as the mask works its magic (it's called the "Zombie Pack" for a reason!). But once you rinse it off after 10–15 minutes of letting it dry, you'll have some happy and radiant skin.

    Skin1004 is a Korean skincare brand that provides high-quality skincare items made of plant-based ingredients from Madagascar. Its signature ingredient is centella asiatica extract, a soothing and hydrating antioxidant that is known for its ability to heal wounds and protect the skin.

    Promising review: "I purchased the three-pack. I have only tried the zombie so far, but wow! First time, immediate results. My skin was brighter, the tone was more even, my pores looked smaller. There was no shine to my skin. I was amazed! I have bad skin. Not terrible skin but bad. Nothing helps, but this mask floored me. I can not wait to try the others. I will say the zombie mask does get quite restricting as it dries. I would do it at a time when you're not trying to talk to anyone or do much of anything. Lol It didn't smell bad. I don't really recall the smell much at all. The mask came off super easily. It took about 5 minutes to completely remove. I love it. I rinsed the brush that was included with hot water and it's good as new, ready for next time. Very happy. Totally worth it." —Andrea Russell

    "I was a little skeptical when I bought this. Tried it for the first time and was amazed by the results! My skin looks and feels amazing, I felt like I looked at least 5 years younger. Yes it doesn't smell the greatest, but it wasn't overly strong. My skin is very sensitive and I avoid trying new products because a lot irritate my skin, this product didn't. I am so thrilled." —Dayna

    Get an eight-pack from Amazon for $16.99 (also available in a two-pack and in a variety three-pack).

    9. Nooni tinted appleberry lip oil made with soothing apple water to help moisturize and soften your lips without giving you that icky sticky finish. It also gives your lips a lovely natural-looking flush.

    Reviewer holding the appleberry lip oil with it applied on lips
    A reviewer's before and after showing more moisturized, glossy pink lips

    Check out this TikTok of a user reviewing it.

    This lip oil is vegan, cruelty-free, and has no parabens, sulfates, or phthalates.

    I have been using this lip oil for two months and don't go anywhere without it. It's sooo moisturizing and leaves such a lovely, subtle tint. When my lips are feeling a little dry, I can apply this to add relieving moisture *and* some lively color to my lips. I also love that the brand has various options for different preferences! 

    Promising review: "This is the first lip oil I've ever used. Usually I avoid anything with oil because I have very sensitive and generally oilier skin, but I wanted to give this a try because I wanted something sheer and pretty for a natural makeup look. Probably the best purchase I've ever made!!! It's super sheer and looks fine on its own without any other makeup. The smell is delicious, and while the gloss dries and fades after about an hour or two without eating, the color stays all day! I did have to reapply after eating, but not after drinking water! I just wish it was bigger, it's a teeny bottle. Would definitely buy again!!" —Debby Gold

    Get it from Amazon for $12 (available in 11 colors/flavors and in multipacks).

    10. A popular jade roller and gua sha set, which can work wonders to help reduce puffiness and firm the skin. Many reviewers also love using it to help them relax and relieve facial muscle tension. Pro tip: leave it in the fridge for a bit and use it while it's cold for even better results! 

    jade green roller and gua sha piece in a foam case
    A reviewer with a before and after pic showing how chiseled their jaw got after using the gua sha set

    Promising review: "Honestly I got this after seeing some TikToks about it, I feel like my face gets really puffy and heard this thing helps. I was super skeptical but it wasn’t a bad price so I thought I’d get it. THIS THING WORKS. I’ve been using it for about two weeks now every night after I wash my face and put on moisturizer and it honestly is really sculpting my face. I’ve noticed quite a bit of noticeable changes after using it in the short time. I also get a lot of jaw pain and use it to massage right under my cheeks to relieve tension. Worth it for the price I think and would also make a great gift." —Alyssa

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three colors). 

    11. A hydrating intense-therapy lip balm — it'll feel as relieving as treating your lips to a tall glass of water. It helps repair dry, parched lips and serves as a protective shield. Plus, it has SPF 25 (never forget the lips!), and reviewers even rave about how they got better *and* faster results from this than any other brand.

    reviewer before and after of chapped lips and healed lips
    tube of lip balm

    Promising review: "So I have been a loyal Eos fan for quite some time but you constantly have to reapply and honestly my lips are still cracked. I found Jack Black balm from a TikTok video and it has been glorious. I keep reaching for it to reapply and I don't need it. It doesn't feel greasy on my lips but it is a bit sticky? Or waxy. Either way, I don't mind it at all, and it also smells pretty darn good." —Trisha

    Get it from Amazon for $8.50 (available in six flavors and in packs of three).

    12. Paula's Choice Salicylic Acid Exfoliant, which you'll especially appreciate if you love *next day* results. Reviewers rave about how well it helps reduce the size of pores, acne, redness, and helps tighten and brighten their skin!

    Reviewer before image with redness in skin
    Reviewer after image with clearer skin

    Promising review: "Don't judge me. I bought this product because it was recommended on TikTok. I have been having issues with breakouts, and this product has kept my skin clear. I use it as part of my new skin regimen, and I love it." —S. Magdaleno

    Get it from Amazon for $13+ (available in two sizes). 

    13. A pack of Peach Slices Acne Spot Dots to help your blemishes *poof* disappear overnight. You can stick it right onto your zit to help flatten it, reduce redness, and suck all that gunk out while you get your beauty sleep.

    Reviewer wearing small round sticker healing a zit
    Small clear dots on a sticker sheet

    Check out a TikTok of the acne spot dots in action. 

    Peach & Lily is a skincare brand founded by celebrity esthetician Alicia Yoon that specializes in toxin-free, vegan beauty products made with recyclable packaging. The company plants a tree with each order, and a portion of its proceeds have gone to to Restore NYC since 2016. 

    Promising review: "This brand is so affordable and works just the same as the more expensive brands. I go through them so quickly so this is a plus! I’m generally a picker at my zits, but if I can get to one of these dots in time I save my face a lot of irritation and pain. I wear them at night and sometimes during the day, only takes about two to get rid of those pesky whiteheads, sometimes more for a big zit. They really suck everything out." —Savannah Wilson

    Get a pack of 30 from Amazon for $4.88 (also available as a pack of 60). 

    14. Mizon snail repair cream with snail mucin, hyaluronic acid, and 12 natural extracts that nourish, brighten, and re-plump your skin without any oiliness (perfect for acne-prone skin!). When it comes to repairing the skin barrier, this cream really snailed it.

    Reviewer's skin before using the cream
    Reviewer's more clear-looking skin after two weeks of using the cream

    Check out this TikTok from one user that says this cream helped their dark spots and acne scars disappear.

    Behold, yet another product that has made me love products with snail mucin. I've been using this product for three months and it's like this cream has taken an eraser and rubbed it over my acne scars to reveal the clear-looking skin that I didn't know I could achieve. A true game changer!

    Promising review: "I am obsessed with this stuff I would bathe in it if I could!! I have really sensitive skin to weather changes and tend to get flaky skin on my face, but I've used this for two years now and I have had the most moisturized baby smooth face since. Seriously buy it, put it on before bed, and the next morning you can absolutely tell the difference. I’m like a freaking walking ad for it. My face is brighter and more moisturized." —Leah

    Get it from Amazon for $13.90 (also available as a two-pack).

    15. The Ordinary's Oil Control Serum that many refer to as a holy grail when it comes to managing acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and dark spots. This high-strength serum is enriched with a water-based mineral and vitamin formula that works to target pores and blemishes on *all* skin types.

    Model putting serum on their cheek
    Clear bottle of serum

    Promising review: "My skin looks so much better compared to when I wasn’t using it. I saw people using this on TikTok and bought it, and it has been one of the best purchase I’ve ever done." —yenach0

    Get it from Sephora for $10.80.

    16. Cosrx blackhead remover liquid with 4% BHA made with willow bark water to mattify and exfoliate your skin, making enlarged pores look smaller and helping to prevent breakouts. Radiant skin, here I come.

    Check out the results one reviewer got in this TikTok.

    After cleansing your skin, apply the essence using your hands (or a cotton pad) and wipe gently over your face. And don't forget to apply SPF afterwards when using it in the morning!

    Promising review: "I struggle so bad with my pores cause they’ve always looked so huge but after just a week using this i can already see them shrinking down and becoming smaller. I was a little nervous about using an oil like serum like this on my T-zone because i have combo skin and always get oily around my nose and chin, but it honestly hasn’t affected my skin whatsoever. There also isn’t really a scent to it which is awesome. It leaves my skin feeling really moisturized. It’s a good buy and I definitely recommend this and rave about this." —Berika Jones

    Get it from Amazon for $19.61 (available in four formulas).

    17. Some by Mi Miracle toner with chemical exfoliants as well as tea tree, papaya, and witch hazel extract to remove dead skin cells while helping your skin look more hydrated and radiant in just 30 days. Many reviewers say it's perfect for both oily and sensitive skin!

    Reviewer holding the toner
    Three before and after photos that show a reviewer's blemishes slowly disappearing after using the toner

    Check out this TikTok from one user with sensitive skin explaining how this toner helped them get rid of their T-zone pimples.

    After cleansing, soak your cotton pad with the toner, gently wipe your face, and lightly tap for absorption. Follow with moisturizer!

    Promising review: "This stuff works! First off all there was no purging period, which my acne prone skin is grateful for. It also doesn't sting or smell harsh. Within a week of using this toner I stopped having breakouts. My dark spots are slowly getting lighter and my skin is starting to glow. I'm on my second bottle now and I have nothing but good things to say. I really hope they never stop making this." —kem

    Get it from Amazon for $14.50.

    18. Heimish cleansing balm if you have stubborn blackheads and makeup residue that you wish would just ~melt away~. This balm has 10 natural vegetable oils that melt as it comes in contact with your skin and effortlessly removes makeup and can reduce blackheads. It also works as a more gentle alternative to harshly scrubbing with makeup wipes!

    Reviewer with a face full of makeup before using the balm and with completely clean-looking skin after using it
    Reviewer holding the jar of balm

    Watch this TikTok how effortlessly it melt's away this user's makeup.

    Using the mini spatula, scoop a decent amount and let it melt as it comes in contact with your skin. Spread and massage it into your face, rinse, and you're done!

    Promising review: "I love this cleanser! Recently saw it on BuzzFeed and thought maybe it would work as advertised because nothing I've tried works on my pores but was skeptical. I'm so glad I tried it! My large pores are disappearing. I also had some dry patches on my face but no more. The feel, smell, and results are so good I want it for my whole body! I could see and feel results after one use!!" —TJ

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in two scents).

    19. A Marshmallow Whip Maker that is as money-saving as it is fun. It turns a coin-sized amount of your favorite face cleanser into a cup full of light, frothy foam that reduces friction on your face *and* makes your product last much longer!

    Model pumping the device to make the foam

    To use this, all you have to do is put a pearl-sized drop of your favorite cleanser at the bottom, fill with water up to the dotted line, and pump it until it creates foam.

    Promising review: "If you are like me and hate having to scrub real hard to get all of your cleanser off, you need to try this! It’s small, but works so well. I’ve used it with a couple of different face cleansers, shampoo, body wash, feminine wash, and it works with all of them! It’s so simple to use, you just add your soap and a little water, then pump a few times! It turns your cleanser or soap into a nice foam that lathers so well and washes of with ease. It also saves you money, because you don’t need to use as much soap! Definitely recommend this." —Grace

    Get it from Amazon for $8.

    20. First Aid Beauty's KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub Exfoliant lots of reviewers with keratosis pilaris and similar skin conditions swear by. This'll help you gently exfoliate rough patches and dry bumps so that your skin is as smooth as a baby's.

    Before and after image of a reviewer with bumps on their arm and without
    The tube of scrub

    Promising review: "I saw a dermatologist recommend this on TikTok and I figured I’d give it a try. I have had red bumps on the back of my arms for as long as I can remember and have tried many things, so I didn’t have very high expectations. After one use, I could already see a difference! It says to use 1–2 times a week but I use it usually every other day, and I use CeraVe rough and bumpy lotion after and now my red bumps are almost nonexistent. This product has truly been life changing and I would recommend to anyone struggling with red bumps! 10/10!" —Sidney

    Get it from Amazon for $12+ (available in two sizes). 

    21. An EOS shea butter shaving cream that'll leave your skin *chef's kiss* oh-so-soft! A real game changer for people prone to razor burn, the shea butter in it helps ensure your skin stays moisturized and protected.

    Promising review: "I found this on TikTok and decided to try. I have sensitive skin and after using this I had no razor bumps! It’s weird because it doesn’t get sudsy and foamy like regular shaving cream, but this is much more moisturizing and smells great! Will definitely be using from now on." —Luis

    Get it from Amazon for $3.97+ (available in four scents and multipack options). 

    22. A bottle of widely popular Bio-Oil multiuse skincare oil with vitamins A and E, chamomile, sunflower, and lavender oils to help fade scars and stretch marks while helping your skin retain moisture and achieve a more even tone. One reviewer even compares this stuff to sorcery.

    A customer review photo showing their skin before (with acne) and after (without acne) using the oil
    A person holding the bottle of oil behind their back

    watch how beautifully it applies in this TikTok.

    But just remember, scars and stretch marks are totally normal!

    Promising review: "This is by far the BEST skincare I have found. I have sun-damaged skin and it has helped more than anything I have used. If used as directed it will not only fade scars, it will also fade spots. I use this twice daily and have been using for probably a year now and see a remarkable difference in my skin's appearance. I use instead of lotion, as it absorbs really well." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in two sizes).

    23. A firming eye cream to brighten and firm the sensitive skin around your eyes using the powers of vitamin C, vitamin E, rosehip seed oil, and hibiscus flower extract. Say buh-bye to under-eyes that make you look like a Tim Burton character. 👋

    Bottle of eye cream
    Reviewers before and after pictures of their under eye area becoming smoother

    Promising review: "Saw this product on TikTok and decided to give it a try. It is very moisturizing with out being greasy. I just ordered my second bottle because of the results." —LAD

    Get it from Amazon for $16.35+ (available in two scents and four sizes). 

    24. And a CeraVe eye cream because don't you just love it when everyone points out how tired you look? This hydrates and repairs your undereye's delicate skin barrier with three essential ceramides so that you can say "see ya" to those dark circles.

    tube of eye cream
    Reviewer's before and after with much brighter undereyes after eight days of using the cream

    Watch this TikTok to see how it helps reduce puffy under-eyes!

    Promising review: "I’ve been using this product daily for about three months and my dark undereyes look 10x better. I’ve used a lot of different products on Amazon that are supposed to help with dark circles, but never had much luck in seeing a difference. However, since using this cream, it’s been a game changer. I apply it at night before bed, which seem to help with puffiness when I wake up the next morning. I’m by no means a dermatologist, but I feel like this is the best product for me as a 25-year-old man. It’s a small tube, but it lasts a long time. For the price point and the results I’ve gotten, you can’t go wrong!" —Neko

    Get it from Amazon for $13.86.

    Check out more of the best drugstore eye creams!

    25. A set of exfoliating gloves you can use in the bath or shower to gently lather off dead skin and impurities so you come out with ~buttery soft~ skin. The best part? You can choose from three different textures according to your skin sensitivity and since it's on your own hand, you can get specific about the exfoliation pressure!

    Promising review: "This is one of my favorite purchases. Not gonna lie, TikTok made me buy this. So I buy it and I’m still a little nervous because it’s literally a glove. But nah, I used it with liquid body soap and I’ve never felt so clean in my whole life. I got out of the shower feeling like a freshly birthed baby. My skin had never felt so clean and I questioned how I went 32 years without this." —Brittney

    Get a pair from Amazon for $8.49+ (available in three textures, six colors, and as sets of two or three). 

    26. The internet-famous Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller, which works like magic to eliminate excess oil and mattify your skin as you roll it around your face. So say goodbye to fancy powders and wasteful blotting strips. 👋

    Reviewer showing results of using Revlon volcanic facial roller
    Revlon volcanic roller ball

    Promising review: "I saw this featured on TikTok and decided to give it a try. It really does work! I have oily skin on my forehead around my nose and chin, one swipe in each of the areas and voila! Oily, shininess was gone. A must have in your purse." —Maria S. 

    Get it from Amazon for $8.97

    27. A delightfully versatile (and recyclable!) matcha-infused moisture stick — even reviewers with sensitive skin swear by it. It's infused with organic matcha tea powder and coconut oil to help you with everything from hydrating dry lips and skin to reducing dark circles and puffiness.

    the matcha stick with smeared coconut oil next to it
    the matcha stick resting on a pile of matcha powder

    Check out a TikTok of this matcha stick in action. 

    Cocokind is a San Francisco-based, woman-founded small business that specializes in botanical-forward skincare with an emphasis on both physical and mental health. 

    Promising review: "This is my first time using the MyMatcha stick and I looovvveee it! I have it on me pretty much all the time so I can dab a little bit on my dry spots as I need to. It softens up my dry areas and even decreases the swelling of my acne! I've used it as a moisture stick, an acne anti-inflammatory, and even a fly-away tamer. It's a great multitasking product." —alizza d.

    Get it from Cocokind for $9 or from Amazon for $8.98.

    28. Gold eye treatment masks if you're always on the hunt for the next beauty product to fall in love with. When you go on your next Netflix re-watch marathon, you can throw these on to help with puffiness and dark circles so that you avoid looking like the dad from Coraline the next day!

    buzzfeed writer with gold eye masks on
    Jasmin Sandal/BuzzFeed

    Check out a reviewer using them in this TikTok.

    BuzzFeed Shopping contributor Jasmin Sandal loves this! Here's her rave review: "I decided to put these golden gems to the test after coming off of a red-eye flight with practically no sleep. After cooling them off in the fridge (which is what was suggested on the packet), I applied them to my purpley, puffy eyes, and...w-o-w. Not only did I feel like I was receiving some kind of royal treatment (because, gold), but after 20 minutes, my under-eyes appeared brighter and any fine lines that were once lingering had vanished! After wearing these I didn't feel compelled to apply concealer either, which is usually my go-to to disguise dark circles — and I even felt confident enough to go bare-faced for the rest of the day. Now I find that I integrate these into my routine anytime I want to let my skin breathe free of makeup."

    Get a pack of 15 from Amazon for $17.47.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.