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11 Online Dating Norms That Would Be Insane To Do In Real Life

It's a whole other world, and we should keep it that way. Or you could just skip these dating games and marry the first person you meet like the brave people on Married At First Sight, premiering on FYI, July 8 at 9p ET/ 10p PT!

1. Sorting out your potential matches by "sliding" them to the left or right.

2. Using slang words as your go-to introduction.

3. And having this be the first question you ask on a first date:

4. Constantly "winking" at someone until they respond.

5. Having your best friend RIGHT THERE to tell you exactly how to respond… to everything… on the date.

6. Or them asking you a question, and you don't reply for, oh, let's say… three months.

7. Showing them "more pictures" of you on the date.

8. Or showing them the goods 10 minutes after initiating conversation.

9. Getting more information about your date by "paying more."

10. Having two completely separate conversations with two different people at the same time.

11. Or worst of all, addressing them only by their chosen username.

Case in point: Let's just ditch this nonsense and head right for the altar instead!

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Watch Married At First Sight, premiering on FYI, July 8 at 9p ET/ 10p PT!