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11 Things You Didn’t Know Are Better Together

Like peanut butter and jelly, awesome combinations are a part of our daily lives. Brought to you by Fruttare®, bursting with real fruit & creamy milk. Jaw, meet floor.

1. Googly Eyes + Anything

2. Magnadoodles + Cell Phone Cases

3. Curious Cats + Vacuums

4. Picnic Baskets + Blankets

5. Extraordinary Dogs + Scooters

6. Boiling Water + Cold Air

7. Human Hands + Light

8. Dachshunds + Costumes

9. Mint Candies + Diet Soda

10. Flash Drives + Harmonicas

11. Hedgies + Bath Time

Brought to you by Fruttare®, the perfect combination for your taste buds.

*Egg thumbnail image by Brett Jordan, CC BY 2.0.