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"Public Meltdowns On Trend For Spring 2013"-Amanda Bynes

It used to be that if you wanted to make your mark in Hollywood, a sex tape was your answer, but it's 2013 and that old trick just isn't going to cut it. So say goodbye to sex tapes and HELLO to PUBLIC MELTDOWNS...they're so on trend at the moment. You gotta give credit to Britney Spears, she was SO ahead of the curve on this one. Amanda Bynes owes a lot to Miss Brit. Ya herrrd.

fridapanek 10 years ago

Is Grumpy Cat Ok??

Has anyone seen him lately? Is he ok? Guys, seriously. You shouldn't poke fun of a cat with legitimate mental health brain disorders. Suffering from dopamine withdrawal is serious stuff.

fridapanek 10 years ago