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Easter Breakfast Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benny for Easter anyone?

Easter Breakfast Eggs Benedict
Serves: 4

Hollandaise sauce
100 grams unsalted butter
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1.5 teaspoon Frank’s Classic Yellow Mustard
Pinch of salt, to taste
4 english muffins
Frank’s Classic Yellow Mustard
8 rashers of bacon, cooked
8 eggs
1/2 bunch parsley + a pinch of black pepper to garnish

  1. Firstly make the hollandaise sauce. You can make this hollandaise really easily in a blender - It’s best to make just before serving. Put the egg yolks, lemon juice, Frank’s Classic Yellow Mustard in the blender and blend until mixed together.

  2. Melt the butter over a medium heat, you want it to be completely melted but not boiling hot.

  3. With the blender running slowly add the melted butter to the egg yolk mix. Keep pouring in the butter in a slow, steady stream until it is all added. Add a pinch of salt to taste.

  4. Once the hollandaise is ready you are ready to prep the rest

  5. Toast the muffins and poach the eggs. To get the perfect eggs heat water in a shallow pan until it is at a gentle boil. Give it a gentle whirl with a slotted spoon, and then drop the eggs in. Poach until the white is set and the yolk has a little wobble to it.

  6. Build your eggs benedict by spreading the toasted muffins with a generous dollop of Frank’s Classic Yellow Mustard. Then add the crispy bacon, followed by a poached egg on each muffin half. Finally pour over some of the creamy hollandaise, and finish with some cracked black pepper and a few sprigs of fresh parsley.