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Someone Accidentally Said "Dick Poop" During The Oscars Announcement

Cancel the Oscars, Dick Poop's already won.

A slip of the tongue by the president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Cheryl Boone Isaacs has meant today is not a good day for Mr. Turner cinematographer Dick Pope, despite receiving an Oscar nomination.


If Twitter's reaction to the slip-up is anything to go by, the new nickname for Pope — whose long career has seen him collaborate with British director Mike Leigh multiple times — is going to prove difficult to shake.

“Now let’s analyse those Oscar nominations with our expert. What do you think?” - “Someone said ‘Dick Poop’. Someone said ‘Dick Poop’. Ha."

Dick Poop sums up these Oscar nominations quite nicely.

We're looking forward to Dick Poop teaming up with Adele Dazeem to host next year's ceremony.

@Andy Honestly this wasn't Dick Poop's best work but it feels like a career award.

"My classmates think they're so smart calling me Dick Poop. I'll show them. I'll become a famous filmmaker and the WORLD will know my name!"

Guys, we just Googled Dick Poop to see if he was real. Take it from us: don't go there. DO NOT GO THERE.

Poop — sorry — Pope has been nominated for an Oscar once before in 2007 for his work on Neil Burger's The Illusionist.

Pope has now addressed the slip-up after being told by the BBC he was trending worldwide on Twitter.

"I've been told about that but I don't really follow Twitter so I don't know what means," he said.

"What did they say? Dick Poop. Well, I'm going to change my name to Dick Poop.

"I'm going to change my name to it and I think they'll be so embarrassed at the Academy, they'll give me the Oscar anyway. That would be great."

He also told 5 Live he should win "for the embarrassment alone":

Fair play to Oscar nominee Dick Pope - mispronounced as 'Dick Poop' - who says "They should give it to me for the embarrassment alone."

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