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14 Reasons To Totally Fall For A Brit

When the BF is a Brit, the benefits are aplenty. Watch as 12 Americans swoon over a dapper English bloke pretending to be a prince when I Wanna Marry “Harry” Tuesdays, 9/8c on FOX

In the land of princes, everyone is a little more charming...

1. Every word he says just makes you swoon.

2. Seriously, the most mundane things sound sophisticated and beautiful.

3. Your American accent — no matter how lame you think it is — becomes super cute to him.

4. You'll get to enjoy tea all the time. (So! Much! Tea!)

5. He can probably make a full English breakfast.

6. And you'll learn some fundamentals of day drinking, like that it's never complete without a scotch egg.

7. After living with such miserable weather, he's got a stiff upper lip about everything.

8. He'll undoubtably have a house that's the most adorable house ever built.

9. Want a tour guide for European adventures? Great! He's been living next door to it his entire life.

10. You'll learn what's going on in sports like cricket...

11. ...and rugby (real man's football)!

12. Polo matches? Horse races? You'll totally start taking in some of those...

13. ...where you'll have the opportunity to wear some amazing hats.

14. Did we mention charming? Yup. Worth saying again. He's 100% automatically going to be charming.

British romance gets a reality twist on I Wanna Marry "Harry".

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