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13 Reasons Going Back To School Is The Best

Summer is cool and all, but going back to school is even cooler. *puts on sunglasses, rides off into the sunset*

1. That new textbook and notebook smell.

2. Reuniting with friends from last semester and raising a ruckus.

3. Choosing your classes.

There is literally no choice to be made

But sometimes pre-reqs are unavoidable. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

4. Rocking some new threads.

5. Writing* in a fresh notebook.

6. New pens, baby!

7. Scopin' out all the new cuties.

8. Having a clean slate.

9. New teachers.

10. All-day indoor AC!

11. Not having any real work for the first few days.

12. School becomes a valid excuse again.

13. Moving into a new dorm.

Hooray for school! With Five Star®, going back to school is a breeze. Visit for a chance to win a ton of cool swag. And remember, stay in school kids!

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