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    This Dad Is Imitating His Daughter's Selfies, And Its Hilarious

    *hides from embarrassment*

    Watch out kids, Dads have finally learned how to use Instagram. Comedian and father Burr Martin was browsing Instagram one day and found out that his daughter was posting "sexy selfies" of herself on her profile. What he decided to do next is just hilarious.

    1. The Sexy Branch

    2. Some father-daughter bonding at its best

    3. He even managed to do the tattoos!

    4. Thighs are on fleek

    5. Relationship Goals

    6. I'm pretty sure this is the stuff of nightmares

    7. Who wore it better?

    8. #NailedIt

    9. Tan is on point

    Since posting these photos, Martin has gained over two times as many followers as his daughter. You can follow him on instagram @therealburrmartin and his daughter @cassiethegypsy #SelfieDad for president???