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    Field Diary - Entry 1

    I write less when things are going well. I suppose there's not much time to reflect when you are overwhelmed with how splendidly everything is going. I started writing down my musings a long time ago just to unclog my brain. It was therapeutic and has helped me work through many of the issues I have dealt with. Before we begin, it should be noted that I am a woman. I work in a male dominated field and, before taking this job, preferred to leave the debate and dealings of social issues to others more qualified than myself. I had not considered that it would be a daily battle to be fought with myself, my colleagues and my workers. It should also be noted that many of the things I will discuss will revolve around feminism and what it means to be a woman in the industry. I will do my best in these posts, as I do in my daily life, to remain rational, logical and fair. I will try to form a conclusion only after reviewing all of the facts. However, I am a human being with human experiences and I am not so ignorant as to believe that these will not have an impact on my thought processes and perceptions. I do not have any real goal for this field diary, this is a private project I started on my first day and I believe I have taken it as far as I can alone. Having only a limited number of people in my life that are in the same industry as myself, and an even smaller number of those being women, it is difficult to have a larger conversation about these topics within my own circle of acquaintances. So I am going public. I hope I am fair and I hope this brings to light certain issues within a sector of the workforce people may not normally think of. Perhaps this is merely just a way for me to work through my own issues. Whatever it is, I am constantly questioning and reevaluating my beliefs and political stances, as I think all should be doing, and I am always open to discussion with those who are here to seek understanding.