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13 Emotional Stages Of Pumpkin Season

Pumpkin season only comes around once a year. Don’t fight your instincts, and grab a Fiber One Pumpkin Bar.

1. When everyone's too eager for pumpkins to return:

2. When you start daydreaming about pumpkins:

3. When pumpkins start appearing outside grocery stores:

4. When the only word you can hear over regular work murmur is “pumpkin spice”:

5. When county fair largest pumpkin competition pics start circulating:

6. When someone calls anything "gourd-geous":

7. When everyone starts posting pumpkin selfies:

8. When the first pumpkin spice latte hits your lips...

9. ...and when you try to force down your 12th.

10. When you fantasize about another slice of pumpkin pie...

11. …but remember what it feels like to have too much of it.

12. When someone tells you (again) that pumpkin is like tasting fall for the first time:

13. Whenever you smell even a whiff of cinnamon:

So this pumpkin season, instead of the emotional roller coaster...don’t fight your instincts, and grab a Fiber One Pumpkin Bar.