Netflix's War Movie "All Quiet On The Western Front" Will Leave You Pondering

    The internet is loudly applauding this quiet movie.

    Netflix's latest German epic, All Quiet on the Western Front is bathed in mud, blood, and horrors of war.

    Aaron Hilmer points his rifle and looks toward someone beside him

    1. Spectacular movie!

    All Quiet on the Western Front: 10/10 One of the best & brutal war movies I’ve ever seen.

    Twitter: @bigjimmurray

    2. Three words that perfectly summarize the movie: intense, brutal, horrifying.

    🎬 All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) - Netflix Intense • Brutal • Horrifying A top-notch anti-war film from Germany with exceptional attention to detail in storytelling and cinematography, showcasing the gruesome nature of war with minor hiccups. Highly Recommended. 1/2

    Reiner Bajo / Netflix / Via Twitter: @TheCineprism

    3. This movie is quite dark. Literally and metaphorically.

    Just finished watching: All quiet on the western front 20222

    Twitter: @aidenCl74448708

    4. Quite an accurate war movie.

    "All Quiet On The Western Front" is the most accurate war film I've ever seen. The way it captures the terror, rage, adrenaline, hopelessness, brutality, and pointlessness of it all is unreal. Highly reccomend it

    Twitter: @CooksKitsune

    5. I hope the Academy is listening.

    'All quiet on the Western front' on Netflix is a masterpiece, probably one of the greatest war movies ever made. If Oscars do give a fuck about foreign movies, this one should be sweeping all awards

    Twitter: @kaisersnoozy

    6. One of the very few movies in recent times where the viewers and critics are in agreement.

    One of the best war films I’ve seen. All Quiet on The Western Front

    Netflix , Rotten Tomatoes / Via Twitter: @BAT_MAN42

    7. A professor who teaches the novel on which the movie is based finds the movie "tremendous."

    I've now watched the new All Quiet on the Western Front, dir. Edward Berger for Netflix. The film is tremendous and I strongly recommend it - but as I teach the novel my take on the film is not typical, so here's a thread on the film as a literary adaptation. 1/12

    Netflix / Via Twitter: @rider_jon

    8. Only the dead have seen the end of war.

    Watched ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ on Netflix last night. A reminder of what the privileged few, sitting comfortably and in safety 50 miles behind the front line, can get millions of men to do to each other.

    Netflix / Via Twitter: @RaggedTP

    9. Will this movie bring Netflix's first Academy Award?

    Netflix needs to realize that they're best bet this year is All Quiet On The Western Front so you all need to watch it ASAP and make sure everyone you know watches it. That's how they realize

    Twitter: @AdriCaporusso

    10. Most of the viewers are praising the movie in superlatives.

    Netflix’s All Quiet on the Western Front is the best new movie I’ve watched this year and probably the most intense war movie I’ve ever seen.

    Twitter: @tonydunsttv

    11. Who's gonna tell them?

    Starting 'All Quiet on tht Western Front'. I'm anticipating a calm quiet time on the Western Front

    Twitter: @AltHistoryHub

    12. This character is reminding viewers of the Sonic the Hedgehog villain.

    The appearance of Doctor Robotnik in All Quiet on the Western Front admittedly caught me off guard.

    Netflix / Via Twitter: @SophiaNarwitz

    13. Sounds like a fun idea.

    There should be an anime adaptation of All Quiet on the Western Front in which all of the main characters are cute anime girls, but otherwise is a COMPLETELY faithful retelling of the story. Honestly, most things should be adapted that way, if they have to be adapted.

    Twitter: @ForestedDepth

    14. Difficult to best this movie in its anti-war message.

    I watched a bit of Netflix All Quiet On The Western Front last night (it's a lot to take in one go) I just finished the film tonight. It's amazing but brutal. There was never a stronger message on the futility of war.

    Twitter: @marionmain3

    15. Some feel that sensitive viewers ought to be warned before they watch this visceral movie.

    We just watched the new All Quiet on the Western Front, & it was so dark & bleak, so I’m going to give you a trigger warning before you watch. If you’re very sensitive - maybe skip it. It’s quite disturbing, but we should not glorify & Hollywood war - this show does NOT do that.

    Twitter: @MRecreate

    16. Some were reminded of the novel on which the movie is based.

    Watching Netflix's spectacular 'All Quiet on the Western Front' and it takes me back to reading it in high school. Do teenagers still read it? (The ideal age, since the characters are teenagers.) I can't imagine reading it now and coming out to...(waves hands at all this).

    Twitter: @antoniogm

    17. Well, you can't please everyone!

    Netflix's version of All Quiet on the Western Front absolutely butchered one of the finest novels on WWI ever written. If you enjoyed the book, but have never seen a movie of it, I'd recommend the 1979 version starring Richard Thomas & Ernest Borgnine.

    Twitter: @RealCynicalFox

    18. Sounds mad, right?

    It’s crazy to me that at one time wars were fought by running straight into enemy forces while they are firing at you. (Watching All Quiet On The Western Front)

    Twitter: @ScOhana_Mike

    19. And finally, many viewers are drawing correct conclusions from the movie.

    it’s easy to get overwhelmed in a society that demands you have an opinion on everything, but i watched the new all quiet on the western front yesterday and good god. what a solemn reminder that the most important things i can be are anti authoritarian and anti war.

    Twitter: @morganisawizard