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    8 Examples Of Mansplaining In Athletics That’ll Make Your Abs Hurt (From Laughter, Not Incorrect Form)

    Imagine chillin' at the gym and all of a sudden you feel someone staring directly at you. You know what's coming. 10 seconds later a random dude approaches you and says, "You know if you use a switch grip it's better. Here, let me show you." If you've ever experienced anything like this, you are a victim of mansplaining, and you may be entitled to financial compensation...just kidding. (But can you imagine?!) Mansplaining, as defined by Urban Dictionary, is "when a man explains something to a woman in a patronizing tone as if the woman is too emotional and illogical to understand". And it happens to female athletes a lot. Here are 8 examples of mansplaining in athletics that will cut you up, but ultimately make you wonder about the fate of humanity.

    1. Boxing Coach ✨Completely✨ Misses the Point

    2. He Got Defensive...Over Defense?!

    3. Y'all Really Out Here Mansplaining to an Olympian...OK

    On my flight was talking to a guy next to me & it came up that I run. He starts telling me how I need to train high mileage & pulls up an analysis he’d made of a pro runner’s training on his phone. The pro runner was me. It was my training. Didn’t have the heart to tell him.

    Molly / Via

    Even Molly Seidel, an Olympic runner, isn't safe from mansplaining. This man really tried to explain her own training methods to her...crying, shaking, throwing up.

    "On my flight was talking to a guy next to me & it came up that I run. He starts telling me how I need to train high mileage & pulls up an analysis he’d made of a pro runner’s training on his phone.The pro runner was me. It was my training. Didn’t have the heart to tell him. " 🤦🏻‍♀️

    4. This Dude Thinks YouTube Videos Trump Coach. Makes Sense.

    5. No, But My Dad Did Teach Me How to Throw a Punch.

    6. No Words for This One. Just...No Words.

    7. How Did He Even Manage to Mansplain THIS?!

    8. He Really Did This With His Whole Chest