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    31 Parenting Products From Walmart That'll Help Simplify Your Day To Day

    Parenting is hard enough, let these product help.

    1. A kitchen learning tower so your little one can join in on the cooking. No more breaking your back lifting up your little chef so they can be involved. Give them the independence they want.

    Little girl on white step stool in kitchen

    2. A bath toy storage because sharing a bathroom can get crowded especially with a child and all their toys. This storage sticks right to the wall of the shower without taking up much space. Organization, check! ✅

    Toy organizer filled with toys in shower

    3. A car seat cover so your baby can be covered from the harsh sun, bright lights, or to put another protective layer between them and the cold. No need to disturb a sleeping baby, you can easily peek in and check on them.

    Car seat cover on car seat with baby in it

    4. A faucet extender so your children have an effortless way to wash their hands because we know how messy those little hands can get.

    Little girl washing her hands

    5. A baby gate that has two ways to install, perforated *or* no-punch installation so you don't have to worry about drilling into your walls. Keep baby safe from stairs or hot oven in the kitchen and set your mind at ease.

    Two babies sitting on one side of the gate

    6. A thermometer boasting a dual reading system (for either the ear or forehead) that can save the day when you have a sick child. Thermometer also features a food and milk bottle mode that reads the temperature to keep your little one safe from overheated food.

    Thermometer laying on counter showing auto sleep mode

    7. A 3-in-1 potty that can be a stand alone potty, a step stool, and a toilet seat that can be used on regular size toilets. Look no further when potty training because this one product is all you will need. Bonus: it's made from recycled ocean plastic.

    Boy using the potty three ways

    8. A nursery center that does it all. Complete with removable bassinet, changing station, organizer for diapers and wipes, padded mattress for playing and sleep — and the whole thing packs up nicely for travel. Make things simple with everything in one place.

    9. A toddler bed so you can sleep peacefully knowing your little one is secure in their bed with guard rails. Plus, reviewers say the assembly is easy-peasy.

    Grey toddler bed in kids room

    10. A Fisher-Price jumper to give your biceps💪🏼 a break from holding baby all day long. It boasts a 360 design so your baby can reach all the activity toys that light up, and has sound to encourage baby to play and jump. Plus the cloth material can be removed and thrown in the washing machine.

    Baby playing in jumper

    11. A chore chart and calendar so you can get help with tasks around the house *and* stay up-to-date with all the family activities because those are a full-time job. Your multitasking just became a little more organized with these dry erase charts, which come complete with markers and a spray bottle.

    Chore chart and Calendar

    12. A Bentgo lunchbox for your kid to take to school or for anytime they need snacks on hand — like trips to the park. Each section helps you build a balanced meal for your child.

    Green lunchbox filled with food

    13. A set of five clothes organizers so you can arrange baby's clothes by size. Comes with pre-printed removable labels for size newborn to size 8, and six blank write-on labels. Makes it a breeze to see what size you need more of or quickly find what fits in the closet. If you have multiple children sharing a room and therefore a closet, you can label whose clothes are whose.

    Package of clothing dividers

    14. And for the older children, a daily organizer so mornings before school go from chaos to cool. Each weekend you can have the kids plan out their outfits for the week ahead so you can get them to school on time.

    Daily organizer hanging in kids closet

    15. A four-piece playroom set to take your toddler's playtime to the next level. The toy organizer allows them to reach their toys and more importantly put them away. The chair and table allow for arts and crafts activities — all while you enjoy some 'me' time of your own.

    Pink playroom set in kids room

    16. A paint-your-own bird house craft kit for a fun weekend activity. Have one of these on hand for when your child says those two dreadful words, "I'm bored" — now, you'll have a perfect rebuttal.

    Hand painting birdhouse

    17. A basketball clothing hamper so your Michael Jordan can dunk their clothes into the hamper instead of throwing them on the floor. Imagine walking into your child's room and not stepping over clothes!! Take a shot. ⛹🏽‍♀️

    Basketball laundry basket

    18. A toddler carry-on and backpack set so your little one can easily maneuver through the airport and you don't have double the luggage to carry. The backpack can hold all their essentials to keep them occupied on the flight. Visiting the family this holiday season just became a little less stressful.

    Girl wearing backpack pulling suitcase in an airport

    19. A detangling brush for when your child's hair gets unruly. The difference between how your child's hair looks going to school and coming home is truly remarkable, so here is your solution. No more crying or breakage of hair with this brush.

    Women holding brush

    20. A 100% silicone gum massager for your teething babe. Give those gums and yourself some relief. The two handles make it easy for baby to hold onto and the top bristles help to clean baby's gums and new emerging teeth.

    Women holding baby with teether

    21. A mosquito net to keep creepy crawlers off of your kids. The elastic band allows this net to fit over strollers, bassinets, playpens, and carseats. No need to put chemical repellants on your precious babies.

    Net over carseat and stroller

    22. A 2-in-1 stroller ride board allowing your toddler to stand *or* sit without having to purchase a two seater stroller they won't want to ride in anyway. Make it into a fun activity (just like the reviewer below, who says that their son pretends he is riding a skateboard. 🛹)

    Child using ride board both ways

    23. A backseat or stroller organizer to bring some order to the mess. Everything will have its place and you can simply unhook it from the car and hang on the stroller *or* go ahead and get one for both.

    24. A 46-piece safety kit that has everything you will need to get your house baby proofed. Once they become mobile it's crazy how quickly they can get away from you and into something. As parents, your child's safety is top priority and this set will allow you to set your mind at ease.

    Package of safety kit

    25. A Crayola art set for your little artist to enjoy without you having to worry about the mess to pick up afterwards. Colors appear only on special Color Wonder paper, not on skin, clothing, or carpets. Bob Ross always said they are happy accidents but not when it's on your furniture at home.

    Color set displayed out

    26. Food cutter stamps to make fun shapes for your child's lunches or even for playdates. Kids can be picky eaters but these are a fun way to get them excited about food. This set not only comes with 13 different shapes but also is under $5 — what a steal!!

    Four different lunches cut out with food stamps

    27. A How to...Tie Your Shoes book that includes four different step-by-step instructions for crisscross, bunny ear bow, loop bow, and double knot bow. You can see what method your child learns best with so tripping over shoe laces will become a thing of the past.

    Front cover of book with model show and laces

    28. A fragrance-free Burt's Bees baby foaming shampoo and wash designed for sensitive skin so you don't have to worry about tears or irritated skin at bath time. It uses a natural, plant-based cleansing complex to clean gently because you want the best for your baby.

    Bottle of shampoo

    29. A water bottle that is leakproof *and* durable so your little one can stay hydrated and your house can be free of spills. This way your child isn't using a different cup every time they go to the kitchen – which means less dishwashing for you.

    Green and blue water bottle

    30. Dr. Teal's Kids Gentle Epsom Salt bath soak to help your child wind down after a long day. This is a perfect way to help them relax. Lavender and chamomile promote relaxation while melatonin helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. Once you put them to bed run yourself a well-deserved bath. 🛀🏻

    Mom reading to child in bath

    31. A fidget cube small enough to fit in your pocket so you have something to keep your kiddo busy at all times. Good for stress and anxiety, it has six unique sides to fulfill all your child's fidgeting needs. Keep their hands occupied and off items in the store.

    Fidget cube in packaging

    Need ingredients for all your new recipes? Shop each recipe directly through the app, or check out Walmart’s grocery selection to get veggies, meat, seafood, and more delivered right to your door.

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