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    I Took My 3 Year-Old To Europe And Africa And Both Of Us Survived

    Navigating the plane ride, bedtime, and jet lag in a 9 hour timezone change.

    So, let's face it - traveling these days is horrible.

    You have to get to the airport early, stand in a long check-in line, stand in a long security line, take of your shoes??? And, if you're wearing a belt and you forget to take it off, you have nobody to blame but yourself when you get uncomfortably frisked as the rest of the travelers gawk at you.

    Now, imagine doing all of that with the baggage (both literal and figurative) of a 3 year-old.

    It will not be perfect, but it CAN be done!

    You might even have some fun in the process. These steps helped us have as smooth of a trip as possible.

    *disclaimer: all kids are different little snowflakes and may not respond to these techniques*

    Step 1: Prep your little one.

    Make sure to let them know what they're in for well in advance, and set some rules. Keep the rules simple and repeatable, and ask your little one to repeat the rules to you. For example, when you ask my boy "What do you do on the airplane," he will repeat "You be quiet and you wear your seatbelt."

    That's a good parrot!

    Step 2: Make sure they're comfortable.

    For our trip, we put him in his favorite pajamas and put him in the window seat. We also let him choose one comfort object to bring with him. Ignore the weird looks when people see you traveling with a giant stuffed I-Rex. It's worth it.

    Hand for scale.

    Step 3: Pack a little carry-on with their favorite snacks and drinks.

    Milk? Check. Strawberry crepes? Check. Peanut M&M's, Fig Bars, applesauce? You bet your three year-old tushie.

    Step 4: Make use of your phone.

    Amazon Video is my hero. You can buy episodes of your kiddo's favorite shows and download them to your phone. Eat it, airplane mode!

    Step 5: Sleep with them. Wake up with them.

    This is going to be really similar to those times when they woke you up to drink milk. Embrace the sleepiness. You are one with Morpheus.

    Step 6: When you land and settle in, get them on a regular schedule as best as you can.

    It is extremely helpful to get them on a regular eating schedule as soon as possible. The best way to get over jet lag is to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner on time, and this will do wonders for your little monster.

    Remember that you're on vacation and it's okay to be tired. Have fun and keep your coffee supply handy!