15 Unspoken Rules Of Life That Range From Practical Everyday Advice To Potentially Life-Changing Wisdom

    "It’s basic manners that I know a lot of people don’t follow."

    Whether we openly talk about them or not, we follow some sort of "unspoken rules" as a society. This Reddit thread is filled with people sharing those rules. Here is what some of them are:

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity. 

    1. "Don't stand on opposite sides of a hallway to have a conversation, thus making people cut between you. Instead, stand on the same side, so people can easily pass."

    people standing in a hall talking

    2. "When your roommate, partner, spouse, or child just got home and is still taking off their shoes, putting their keys away, etc. do NOT greet them with a 'to-do' request or some sort of reminder. It's a universally shitty feeling to be greeted by that."


    3. "You having a bad day doesn't mean that you have to ruin other people's day."


    "I've found that dividing 'bad days' into quarters like a sports game helps keep things in perspective. I can have a bad quarter or even two quarters without a fully 'bad day.'"


    4. "Be mindful on sidewalks and don't walk two (or more) abreast, making it difficult for faster walkers to pass."

    a couple walking with a dog

    5. "If you open something, close it."


    6. "Let people get off the elevator, bus, whatever before you shove your way on."

    a crowded elevator

    7. "You remember far more embarrassing moments about yourself than your environment remembers about you."


    8. "Most of our learning comes about through making painful mistakes."


    9. "Learning to 'read the room' is one of the most important, and probably underrated, social skills to have in your locker. If you're leading a conversation and the other person/people start to look away, act slightly distracted, or interject with different topics, take the hint and change the subject. Not everyone is as interested as you are in your favorite topics. It doesn't mean you're boring (necessarily), but this isn't the right audience for whatever you're talking about right now. I'm consistently blown away by the number of grown adults, even in their 30s or 40s, who haven't learned this yet and just yammer on obliviously."

    a person talking to a group

    10. "Secure your own oxygen mask before helping others. Seriously. Take this bit of advice and carry it whatever you go through. You can be the most empathetic, helpful, and caring person, but even if that's your one goal, by neglecting yourself, you won't be the best you can be for others. Sort out the mess in your own life, don't carry loads you can't, and everything else will be so much simpler."


    11. "Wipe down the damn sink when you're done."


    12. "If you want to listen to something in public, use fucking headphones."

    a man standing on a subway looking at his phone

    13. "Greeting your coworkers when you arrive at work. It’s basic manners that I know a lot of people don’t follow."


    14. "Give a little wave of acknowledgment when someone lets you merge or join the stream of traffic. Flash your lights if there are cops up the road. (Or pat the top of your helmet if you're riding a moto)."


    15. "Your lack of preparation does not equal someone else’s emergency."


    Is there any other unwritten rule you can add that isn't on this list? If so, share it with me in the comments below.