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Tell Me Your Favorite "Rent Week" Meal, Since It's Almost The End Of The Month And I'm Hungry

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There's something about the end of the month that's a little stressful.

A woman looking stressed

Rent is about to be due, bills are being paid, and you're probably waiting for your next paycheck to be deposited.

Elaine from Seinfeld looking stressed

So I'm turning to the BuzzFeed Community to ask: What are the easy and inexpensive dinners that get you through the end of the month?

Refrigerator with only a few vegetables left on one shelf

Is it meal-prepped food in your freezer that you prepared a few weeks prior?

Containers of food in a freezer

Do you just use up whatever is in your fridge to avoid having to buy groceries?

Lemon spaghetti in a bowl

Or are you having breakfast for dinner because it's fairly cheap and easy to whip up?

Eggs and ham

Whatever your end-of-month go-to meal is, please share it with me in this anonymous form or in the comments below!

Some responses might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.