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If You're Someone With "Older" Parents, Share With Me Something People With "Younger" Parents Will Never Understand

I have my own experience I can share...

Growing up with "older parents" is a different experience.

an older woman hugging a young girl on the beach

I can speak on this because my mom had me at 38. So now I'm almost 30, she's close to 70 — and most of my friends my age have parents in their mid to late 50s.

And before you say, "wait, 38 isn't even that old" — remember that the medical community considers moms who give birth older than age 35 to be of "advanced maternal age."

I love the fact that my mom had me a bit later in life but I do see a lot of differences between having an older mom versus a younger one.

a woman saying, "I'm not a regular mom. I'm a cool mom."

So I'm turning to the BuzzFeed Community to ask: if you have older parents for your age, what are some things your friends with "young parents" will never understand?

I'll go first: my mom uses old-school words and expressions that I often repeat. When I do, my friends always are confused and ask where I got that phrase from.

a girl saying, "they don't get my life"

Maybe your older parents are more traditional in the sense of forcing you to go to a traditional college to get an education and a good career. Where maybe your friends' younger parents are not as traditional and allowed your friends to choose whatever path they want for themselves.

A couple sitting together on the front steps of their home.

Perhaps your older parents raised you and your siblings with long-held family traditions that you are grateful for and you plan to pass on to your children. Yet, maybe your spouse didn't grow up with these same types of traditions so there is a disagreement on raising your children with them.

ryan gosling looking confused

Or maybe your parents don't understand the world of social media and you find yourself having to constantly explain it to them.

A young girl and her dad looking at a phone together

Whatever your experience having older parents is, share it with me in this anonymous form or in the comments below.

Some responses might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.