People Are Sharing Dating "Red Flags" That They Actually Disagree With, And A Lot Of These Are Eye-Opening

    "Obviously, if that's the only thing they talk about, that's an issue. But otherwise, I think it's healthy to discuss."

    Red flags in the dating scene can be quite ambiguous. Something that turns one person off might not bother someone else.

    So when I stumbled upon a Reddit thread where u/TaxiDriverThankGod asked the question, "What is seen as a red flag in dating which you believe is actually a green flag?" I was eager to read what people had to say. Here are some of the eye-opening responses that prove the "rules" of dating can vary significantly from person to person, or from situation to situation.

    1. "Depending on the situation, oversharing. Sometimes you just have to put it all out there right away and if they don’t like it, you’re not wasting your time."


    2. "Being straightforward and open about how you feel about the other person."

    3. "Being excited to go on another date, immediately. Could be codependency — or it could be that you’re genuinely that interesting to her. Why wouldn’t I want to spend a lot of time with someone I like?"


    4. "Texting again right away. The whole 'act like you're too cool for them' thing is so stupid to me. If I had a great time with someone, of course I want to keep talking to them. That doesn't mean you should blow up their phone. But I also don't think you should intentionally hold back when you want to keep a conversation going."


    A woman staring at her phone with a smile on her face while carrying a coffee

    5. "Being 'bad' at dating in general. Dating and relationships have completely different skill sets. One requires timing and guarding your information and trying to show your best self and not being too weird and handling these various interested people. The other requires opening up and sharing your true self with just one person. Totally different skill sets. People who are terrible at dating might be just great at being in a relationship, ya know?"


    6. "Discussing life goals and future desires such as kids, marriage, work, or education within the first few dates. Some people think it's too heavy when just getting to know someone, but to me nothing is more freeing than knowing the expectations and goals the other person has set so we can both make an informed decision."

    A man and a woman at a dinner table eating and holding up their wine glasses

    7. "Being honest about issues like mental health problems. Most people see that as 'Get the hell away from me,' but I think it’s a sign of honesty, and the fact that they were willing to tell you means they’re probably pretty trusting and kind. Plus, you know what to expect in a relationship. (Granted, this isn’t always true and sometimes it’s done in an attempt to garner sympathy.)"


    8. "Oversharing their emotions. I am too weak in understanding people. So if someone is very expressive about how they feel, I'm all in."

    9. "If you can feel comfortable with them in silence, that's a green flag. You don't necessarily want the silence to be due to lack of mutual interest, but it is important that not every moment be filled with speaking."


    10. "Quick replies. As soon as I see a text, I respond. It doesn't matter who you are, if you've spent some time formulating some information you think is valuable for me to know, I'll be eager to receive it."


    11. This may seem creepy to the general populace, but if someone tells me they don’t have social media I see that as a HUGE green flag. It usually means they’re less concerned about what their peers and society expects of them."

    12. "Hardcore hobbies. Nerds make great lovers."


    13. "When a woman approaches me first, texts me first, and calls me first. I don't like feeling like I'm chasing a woman. I need it to be mutual."


    14. "Being close with your mother. I knew a girl who made fun of me because I liked to go over to my mom’s house and hang out. She’s my mom. I love her. And she’s fucking rad so…yeah? 'Oh, you’re a mama’s boy!' People get this weird Norman Bates idea when a grown man doesn’t mind going over to see his mom who is excited to make chili for him and watch TV."

    A young man sitting on the couch with his mother laughing

    15. "Lack of longterm relationships. Could mean a fear of commitment or could mean that they don't waste their time when they know it's not working."


    16. "Taking things slowly. If you know them for a few months you can’t really tell who they actually are yet."


    A man and a woman walking in the street talking to each other

    17. "Acknowledging the fucked up things they did in the past. This person is literally owning up to their faults and they know what they did was wrong. Yes, they did messed up things. They've also learned from them. So many people do shitty things and find ways to say, 'No, it's ok because...' A person who acknowledges their own shitty behavior is the kind of person who will realize when they are in the wrong, take responsibility, and make amends."


    18. "Not wanting to spend every single second together."


    19. "Talking about your political and religious position. Those do matter if you want a partner who really matches to you."


    20. "Not having many friends. It’s annoying if they have a huge social circle and you don’t. It’s like you’ll feel like a serial killer to them and when they hangout with their friends you will be alone."

    Friends hanging out on the couch looking at a laptop together

    21. "Clinginess and getting attached quickly. I develop connections with the right people quickly and I hate it when I'm shunned or pushed away because I like them? Like...I'm not gonna stalk you, you just make me happier than most people?"


    22. "That they think about themselves and want to do things without you at times. This can be seen as a red flag in that they're not really into you. But a person having their own life, not being obsessed by yours, and allowing you to also have your own space and life is a green flag that this person is not an obsessive asshole."


    23. "Having a lot of sexual partners. Just because someone likes to fuck doesn’t mean they will cheat. They probably know what they like in bed."

    24. "Talking about your ex. Obviously if that's the only thing they talk about, that's an issue. But I'd like to know what kind of dating experiences they've had, what worked, and didn't work. I think it's healthy to discuss past relationships and it helps ensure you're on the same page in terms of where you are as a team. Also, the way they talk about their ex can be an indicator towards a lot of behaviors."


    25. "Watching porn. My roommate in college always says that she doesn’t allow her boyfriend to watch porn because she considers it cheating. I disagree. I love to watch porn, whether to just get off or because I’m bored. I don’t consider it cheating and I kind of think it can be healthy to some disagree."

    26. "Discussing the 'deal breakers' in a relationship. I think it is great if a person is upfront and honest about their deal breakers. If you will only date someone with a certain religion, or background, I think it's best to know right away."


    27. "Being selfish. To me, it is a limited green flag. Sometimes you have to do whatever you need for your own good and to set boundaries."


    28. "Having friends of the opposite sex. As a woman I’m mildly suspicious of men who’s only female connections are their family."

    A man sitting next to two women who are holing up cards to their foreheads

    29. "Being 'jealous.' Obviously there's a fine line and you don't want someone controlling or possessive, but a complete lack of jealousy shows me that you don't even care."


    Which red flags do you think are actually green flags? Tell me in the comments below!