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    5 Ways You Are Getting Ripped Off By The Fashion Industry

    Seemingly good deals can easily be rip offs...

    Most Your Clothes Are Designed For Garbage Dumps

    Clothing companies such as H&M and Zara, where most of us get our clothing from, offer very cheap prices, but at the same time, their business model depends on consumers getting more clothes every year.

    For this reason, the clothing they offer is pretty much designed to fall apart... and this starts happening even after one wash. Stores such as H&M produce hundreds of millions of clothing each year! Meanwhile the average American disposes 68 pounds of clothing and textile each year, according to the EPA Office of Solid Waste.

    Most of these get dumped at landfill sites, the oldest form of waste treatment, and due to the petroleum-based fibers in clothes, they take decades to decompose.

    Too Much Advertising Costs Which You Are Paying For!!

    If you're ordering clothes from big retailers, their prices are marked significantly higher than they're supposed to, due to all the costs spent towards advertising campaigns. This is especially apparent nowadays, because a lot of brands are ramping up these costs.

    Luckily, fresh labels are also rising in popularity since they're a great way to save money on clothing without sacrificing quality. Marketplaces such as Broochy are allowing consumers to pay for quality fresh label brands without having to pay for advertising costs by helping all brands (big or small) get fair exposure to consumers.

    Most Sunglasses Are Wayyyy Overpriced

    Tiffany, Persol, Dolce & Gabbana, Ralph Lauren, Oakley, Michael Kors, Ray-Ban, Vogue and countless other high end sunglass brands are huge rip-offs, since most their stock are actually developed by a single company called Luxottica.

    To give you an idea of how much are being ripped off: A $300 sunglass can easily cost $70 - $100 to make, whilst prescription lenses are even worse. Most big brand sunglasses shouldn't be so expensive.

    Luxottica is a very little known Italian company, but it has pretty much gained a monopoly over the world's production of eyewear. Over half a billion people own a pair of glasses made by Luxottica. Luxottica are allowed to set their prices as high as they want, and if a brand doesn't comply, there will surely be stock drops as Oakley has experienced in the past.

    The Clothes We Wear Contain Harmful Chemicals Such as Lead

    Even after years of signing a legal settlement, many mainstream fashion stores are still selling clothes containing lead above the legal amount. On top of this, there are pesticides, insecticides, and formaldehyde in the clothes we wear.

    This is a problem that's also incredibly hard to avoid. The best suggestions are to avoid brightly colored accessories and to wear clothes made of natural materials such as wool, cotton and leather.

    Discounts Due to "Excess" Clothing Are Not What You Think

    Some people may think they are getting a great deal on the clothes they are buying due to the discounts being offered, however, in most cases, this isn't true.

    The clothes on sale has never seen a designer label. According to Jay Adams and Katie Doyle "outlet clothing often does not enter a “regular” store and is most likely produced in an entirely different factory than the “regular” clothing."

    The truth of the matter is, these low quality factories have deals with the designers to use their brand on their low quality clothes, so they are able to sell them at cheap prices. Due to this reason, fast fashion chains such as H&M and Zara have been able to outperform stores like GAP.

    The other stores are forced to re-evaluate their pricing and strategies and this has cause abrupt changes to how the pricing works throughout the whole industry.