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11 Misconceptions About Being An Adult We All Had As Kids

As a kid, nothing can quite prepare you for what being an adult is really like. While navigating adult life isn't always easy, it’s now easier than ever to learn about making grown-up financial choices with Experian’s mobile app.

1. You'll always wear suits to work.

2. You'll work out all the time and will be super fit.

3. You'll drive a really cool car.

4. Your Friday nights will be spent at glamorous parties.

5. Dating as an adult will be so easy and fun.

6. You'll have the coolest job — like a panda doctor.

7. And your salary will totally cover your living expenses with plenty left for fun things.

8. You are going to take lots of exotic vacations and travel the world.

9. You'll own a gorgeous apartment with a fabulous view.

10. You'll finally be able to get as many pets as you want.

11. You'll be able to hang out with your friends whenever you want to.

Being financially responsible isn't a misconception. And staying on top of your finances is easier than ever with Experian’s new mobile app.

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