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11 Headaches Only People In Big Cities Understand

"I think it's time for a change." Next time you think about moving to the country, reach for Excedrin®.

1. The fact that you have to leave for work two hours early if you’re driving during rush hour...

2. ...or getting squished on the subway during your morning commute.

3. The alleyways with unforgivable smells.


5. Trying to find a cab during turnover time...

6. ...or in the rain.

7. Running into an ex in a city of millions.

8. Looking for street parking on an alternate side day.

9. Infestations. Bugs, rats, flying rats — you name it, we got 'em, and they're gross.

10. Living in a quiet neighborhood that suddenly becomes trendy.

11. Trying to find a quiet space when you just want to relax.

But no matter what, you can’t imagine living anywhere else.

Visit Excedrin® for more information on how to fight head pain.