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11 Headaches No One Would Have Understood 15 Years Ago

"What do you mean the files are in the computer?!" A lot has changed since 1999. The next time you get a tech-related headache, reach for Excedrin® and feel the pain melt away.

1. A flooded inbox that you can’t keep up with.

2. Someone leaving a three-minute voicemail.

3. Having a TV show completely spoiled by someone in your news feed in real time.

4. Accidentally erasing all the pictures from your family vacation from the memory card.

5. Your phone dying when you're lost and trying to use the Maps app.

6. Watching other people's relationship drama unfold online.

7. The Cloud.

8. Your movie streaming service stalling out right in the middle of a plot twist.

9. Physically losing a jump drive that contained a term paper.

10. Your texts getting stuck and not sending.

11. And the biggest headache of them all: dealing with super-slow Wi-Fi on a flight from NY to LAX.

Visit Excedrin® for more information on how to fight head pain.