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The Golden Globe Nominees for Best Product Placement in a Television Series

In this age of the DVR, Netflix, and on-demand television via Amazon or iTunes it’s becoming easier and easier to completely avoid commercials. Viewers like myself are spending much less of their lives watching commercials and that’s both driving down the value of traditional 30-second spots and contributing to the rise of paid product placements within the shows themselves.

Evan Moore 12 years ago

The Top 10 Movies Starring Black Actors Dressing Up Like Fat Women

It must be tough to be an overweight black woman trying to make it as an actress in Hollywood, I would venture to say that it must be damn near impossible. Not only are you competing against negative stereotypes of people that are overweight, black, and female but even when Hollywood does decide to make a movie with a strong overweight black female protagonist more often than not the part is inexplicably given to a comedic black MALE actor. For every Queen Latifah movie that gets the green light 3 more are made starring Martin Lawerence fighting crime in a bad wig and a moomoo.

Evan Moore 12 years ago