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    10+ Super Inspirational Comics To Brighten Up Your Bad Days

    Hello! I am Evisa Isabella Rose and here is a collection of my motivational comics. Now if you're having a bad day, please raise your hands! Whoa! A lot of hands over there! The truth is that life is a delicate bouquet of moments: some of them are like beautiful, colorful roses, while some others are like grey, poisonous weed. Sometimes the bad weed steals so much of our attention and energy that we forget about the roses. Each and every one of my comics represent a bad moment, day or event that I tried to make it more bearable. It's a lose-win situation. Something bad happens, a funny or positive idea comes in my mind and I feel a little bit better. I hope my comics to make you think and to make you smile. And most of all I hope they make you see the beautiful roses inside you and around you... even if it's just for a few seconds. :-)

    1. My Favourite Yoga Position

    2. Step By Step, Keep Going

    3. A ''0 Fs Given Day'' Is Always A Good Day

    4. My Best Friend And My Worst Enemy

    5. New Dreams

    6. Take Note Kids

    7. When Your Life Is Falling Apart

    8. Break Your Ego

    9. Negativity Is Not Allowed Here

    10. Read This Comic If You're Feeling Small

    11. How I Imagine My Burdens

    12. This Isn't Love

    13. Get Rid Of The F-boy You Keep Inside Your Heart

    14. Some Days Are Just Like

    15. Think Positive

    16. You're Phenomenal

    17. It's So Colorful There