16 Times Chidi Anagonye Made Me Feel Seen On "The Good Place"

    That's why everyone *loves* moral philosophy professors.

    1. When he understood that making choices is really forking hard.

    2. When he had a sobering moment of realization.

    3. When he wasn't able to feel more than one emotion at once.

    4. When he avoided tough conversations at all costs.

    5. When he let opportunity slip through his fingers.

    6. When his stress consumed him to the point that he needed help standing.

    7. When he didn't want to offend anyone.

    8. When he knew how to gracefully exit a conversation.

    9. When, even as a young boy, he knew that hasty decisions were a recipe for disaster.

    10. When he knew that things could never really be perfect.

    11. When he didn't want to try new things.

    12. When he bummed his friends out.

    13. When loaded questions made him physically ill.

    14. When pondering ethical dilemmas kept him up all night.

    15. When he had healthy coping mechanisms.

    16. And finally, when he knew that there are really only two states of being.

    Do you have any other favorite Chidi moments? Comment below!