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    Comparing Game Of Thrones To Verasity

    If there was an application that would let you watch videos on your favorite platform and also pay for ads you watch, It'd be the coolest app just like the coolest TV show Game of Thrones.

    We all witnessed how amazing Game of Thrones was *cough season 8* but honestly how many people got to watch the episodes on HBO premium? Those freeloaders were more annoyed watching ads during the episode than season 8 itself. And that's the case with most websites. You are forced to watch ads.

    Verasity is like Lord Varys - Working for the better of the realm. A viewer gets to watch his favorite content and also gets compensated for the ads he watches. All that without moving on to another platform.

    You’re rewarded for watching ads: it’s a win win situation for all. You don’t have to move to another platform to watch ad-free stuff, you don’t have to pay for any sort of subscription and you get paid to watch the annoying ads. Hooray!

    The wheel of annoyance was created by unwanted ads without any benefits. The big giants earn loads which you loath because you have to watch your favorite stuff and there’s no other way. This app is here to break the wheel and invent a new medium that rewards everyone.

    When you have verawallet, you won’t ever stop watching videos because of ads. Instead you will want to watch them. And don’t worry, the app doesn’t have a ridiculous ending to its legacy, because unlike GoT, developers and innovators put serious thought behind it.

    Guess what, you can keep on your binge watching spree and earn simultaneously. And if you get rich, say thank you to Verasity.