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Men With Different Body Types Get Style Makeovers

"Is that me?!"

This is what happens when three men with different body types get made over for the first time:

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BuzzFeed Video / Via youtu.be

Meet Luis. "As a bigger dude, I'm totally comfortable in the size of my body, but I don't want to look unflattering, plain and simple."

This is Chris. At 5'5'' he wears a size XS and looks for stores that carry small sizes.

And finally, here's Garrett. He's 6'7'' and has pretty much given up on clothes that work.

TIME TO GET MANSFORMED! The guys met with Dario Smith, a wardrobe consultant, to begin their makeovers.

The first thing Dario asked each dude was where they saw an area of opportunity in their wardrobe:

Dario advised them to remove things from their wardrobe that were eyesores, ill-fitting, or old and tattered.

After the consultation, the guys were ready for their new looks:

Chris loved his ~lewk~. Dario clipped the suit to show Chris where he should get things tailored.


Next up was Garrett:

Amazing! Dario showed Garrett how to find the right sizes for his body and how to be assertive while shopping.

Uh-oh, Garrett caught the shopping bug.

Finally, it was Luis's turn:

Dario told Luis to focus on his silhouette when getting dressed before thinking about the details.


The guys were so excited and feeling their looks. Dario wanted them to know that sometimes your biggest insecurity is actually your strength.

"For all the big dudes who think you can't have style..."