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    I Didn't Shave My Legs For A Month To See If This Painless Wax Was Actually Painless

    Not 100% painless, but also not that bad.

    Hey y'all! I'm Essence, and I'm the beauty editor here at BuzzFeed. I kept seeing Hard Wax Beans on Instagram with all these claims about how it was painless, so I grew my leg hair out for a month to see if it really worked.

    I asked my awesome coworker Joanna to make a video of me trying it out for the first time, and as you can see by my face, I didn't think that it was 100% painless. But also it wasn't that bad, so scroll and get the full tea.

    View this video on YouTube

    My legs don't get super hairy and the hair is naturally fine, so I grew it out for a month so that I could have a good bit to work with.

    So how do these wax beans work? You pour some of the beans into a wax pot and heat them until they melt. You want the consistency to be kind of like honey, not too watery. On the left is a pic of the wax beans before they're melted, and on the right is what they look like after they've been heated. I heated them on the high setting in this Hot Wax Warmer by Salon Sundry.

    To apply the wax, I used these "applicator sticks," which are basically just some fancy popsicle sticks. The instructions say to apply the wax in the same direction your hair grows and let it sit until it's dry.

    Once it dries, you're supposed to pull the wax off against the direction your hair grows. Because the wax doesn't go on in one super-even layer, I had to slowly pull a little from the ends first to get a good tab. Once I got a good tab, though, I was able to grip it and quickly rip off the rest. It did pinch, but it didn't hurt and was a million times less painful than a bikini wax. You can see my little hairs attached to the strip if you look really close!

    Here's my leg over 20 wax strips and about 45 minutes later. It definitely made a difference, but it took way too long.

    Here are the wax strips for just one leg, and this isn't even all of them. The whole process was just a little lengthy for me and the payoff wasn't anything exceptional, IMO.

    Additionally, it didn't even get off all my leg hair. I went over some areas two and three times, and there were STILL little hairs poking out.

    I waxed my left leg and shaved my right to compare. The shaved leg actually felt smoother, and I was able to get all the hair off in less than five minutes.

    Overall, I don't think I'd ever incorporate Hard Wax Beans into by beauty routine because it takes too long, and something about waxing my own hair makes me hella anxious the same way tweezing my own brows does.

    But if you're the kind of tough soul who tweezes your own brows and has a decent pain tolerance, you may wanna try it. The key is definitely to let it RIP!

    Hard Wax Beans are worth it if...

    * You have a lot of time for your legs.

    * You absolutely hate shaving.

    * You don't want to spend money on razors every other week. (There are A LOT of beans in that bag, so it'll probably last you forever!)

    Hard Wax Beans are not worth it if...

    * You have a really low pain tolerance.

    * You don't have an hour or more to spend on your legs.

    * You don't want to be left with a waxy pot to clean afterwards.

    * You want perfectly smooth legs with no trace of hair.

    All in all, I'd say that Hard Wax Beans ~mostly~ live up to their pain-free claims, but the time it takes makes it not worth it for me.