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North West Took Out Her Bun And Rocked Her Natural Curls

Switch the style up and watch the money pile up. *Yeezy voice*

So you know North West, right?

The adorable child who is a testament to the love of the great Yeezy and Kim K?

Well, she usually wears her hair like this, in a cute curly puff.

Or like this, in a little chic bun.

But recently, she switched up her signature style and set her natural curls free.


But it's not the first time North decided to let her hair down, though — like the time she rocked these aviators and denim.

And remember when she did this 'fro in Armenia?

She can basically pull off anything.

Even this smushy-face-against-the-glass-baby-hairs-on-fleek look!

North, you are Queen!