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    This Girl Boss Was Diagnosed With Lupus So She Started Her Own Skin Care Brand

    Dana Jackson, Founder and CEO of Beneath Your Mask, started the natural skin and beauty line after a Lupus diagnosis.

    This is Dana Jackson, Founder and CEO of the natural and organic beauty brand Beneath Your Mask. Dana is 37 years old and was diagnosed with the autoimmune diseases lupus and lupus nephritis, stages three and five, seven years ago.

    On a really bad day when her symptoms were at their worst, the businesswoman told As/Is that she'd have debilitating migraines and wake up with her eyes swollen shut. Her skin would be covered, from head to toe, in itchy rashes. Jackson said, "I would have pain in parts of my body that was unexplainable."

    The turning point was when a colleague connected her to a friend named Tracey, an ER doctor in Abu Dhabi who also practiced Eastern medicine. "Tracey and her husband Les...basically saved my life," Jackson said.

    Coming to terms with her diagnosis and being more conscious about what she put into her body, Jackson said she started being more thoughtful about what she put onto her body, too. She started experimenting with DIY skin care products, and her first concoction was what is now Beneath Your Mask's hero product, Heal Whipped Skin Soufflé.

    After using the soufflé, Jackson noticed that the dark purple stretch marks that had developed from all the water weight were starting to lighten. "My skin was hydrated and stayed hydrated, and all the marks from the rashes faded," she said. After rave reviews from friends who'd she gift the product to, Jackson eventually turned her skin product into a business and expanded with other products, like the Nourish Skin & Hair Serum.

    Beneath Your Mask currently has five products with plans to expand. "A toner, microexfoliant, face cleanser and bath soak will be next from us," the founder assured us. So far, As/Is has tried the Polish Detoxifying Body Scrub, Nourish Skin & Hair Serum, and the Heal Whipped Skin Soufflé. We are, to put it simply, obsessed!

    As for Jackson's health, she's doing well and trying to maintain a healthy balance. "I flared up recently for the first time in seven years. I got the butterfly rash and some joint pain," she told us. The full-time CEO says she's trying to manage stress, which triggers symptoms, and all that comes with running a business. "I’m getting back into yoga because that helps with my stress so much. Spirituality is also a big part of my health and wellness, in addition to my diet and lifestyle."

    Love and light to Dana and all the girl bosses out here taking control of their health and careers!