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    Kerry Washington Ditched The Weave And Her Real Hair Is Actually Naturally Curly

    Come thru, curls!

    Kerry Washington—the icon, the activist, and the gladiator—is known to rock a bunch of different hairstyles. And she SUH-LAYS them all, might I add.

    When she's not playing Olivia Pope on Scandal, some of her most popular 'dos are lobs, wavy and straight, and messy-chic buns.

    Over the weekend, tho, Washington ditched her usual sleek weaves and let us get a look at her natural hair!!!

    Here's a close up because you REALLY need to appreciate the glorious range of curls and coils happening here.

    And get a load of this thickness. So lush and full, there are literally no spaces or gaps.

    Now, do we know for sure if it's all hers? Absolutely not. Do we care? Absolutely not. SIS IS KILLING IT!!!

    It's not often, onscreen or off, but every now and then the actress will wear a more natural texture, like here when her Scandal character was kidnapped and we were all stressed TF out.

    And here, on Instagram, when she posted this cute usie of her and co-star Tony Goldwyn.

    Last year, Washington confirmed to Redbook that her hair is indeed natural. "I'd been relaxing my hair since I was a little girl, so part of [going natural] was just wanting to see what would happen if I didn't," she told the mag. "Quitting has been such a time-saver, and my hair feels much healthier now. It's been fun getting to know my real curls."

    Kerry's hair looks good however she chooses to wear it, tbh, but YAAAAAAS to these curls!!!