19 Dramatic Hair Transformations That Prove Curly Hair Is Amazing AF

    These 'dos make every curl struggle worth it.

    1. Let's take a second to admire these perfectly wound ringlets.

    2. And this straight blonde to spiraled red transformation, too.

    3. The way in which she went from blow-out to coiled puff with a halo, tho? LIT!

    4. Please hold momentarily as we gather ourselves from the slayage of these gray spirals.

    5. Who knew curls this perfect were even possible?!

    6. This beauty with her voluminous blow-out and tightly-coiled Afro has us on all kinds of swoon.

    7. And this sleek blue to curly berry makeover is what you call sorcery, dahlings.

    8. Like, between her flawless skin and jumbo spirals we legit can't take it 😍.

    9. Because some days you just wanna play, and other days you wanna SLAY!

    10. These silvery-white curls are precisely why you need a bae who can do both!

    11. Real talk, we can't stop staring at these currrrrrrrrrrrls!

    12. When your magic knows no bounds and you can do it all.

    13. A boisterous "YES!" to every decision this unicorn mermaid soul has ever made.

    14. Both of these 'dos are, in the words of Joanne, iconic. Truly.

    15. When your 'fro is the shit so you start feeling yourself.

    16. Our number one goal in life is to have super lustrous curls and perfectly cooperative baby hairs, thanks to this hero.

    17. Here. Take our edges. Have them.

    18. Straight to curly, brown to purple. Basically, she can do anything.

    19. And this straight orange to blonde knot-out is simply life-giving.