Welcome To As/Is, Our Beauty & Style Destination That Accepts You As You Are

    Beauty and style goes far beyond the surface; it should empower us to explore and challenge our own biases, celebrate ourselves, and affirm one another.

    Hey, beautiful!

    Welcome to BuzzFeed’s new beauty and style brand As/Is. Diversity and representation have always been a priority in all of BuzzFeed’s content, especially as it relates to lifestyle. As/Is will include all our usual beauty and style content (because makeup-struggle memes will ALWAYS be funny), but we’re also adding beauty series, celeb profiles, and more to our authentic storytelling.

    As far back as I can remember, my mother, grandmothers, and sisters taught me to take pride in and celebrate myself, both inside and out. I have a vivid childhood memory of sitting in a yellow Playskool chair while my grandma, who owned a hair salon, would patiently comb and plait my hair every summer. I remember my other grandma visiting and teaching me how to curl her hair with mini black sponge rollers. I only now realize in adulthood that those moments, and so many others, played a crucial role in how I see myself as a black woman, giving me the courage to love myself unconditionally in a world that hasn’t always celebrated people who look like me.

    We are aware that so many media narratives have excluded people because of their body, skin tone, hair texture, gender, or any other beautiful part of who they are. We’re also aware that there is great power in representing everyone, as they are. My unique childhood experiences — and the countless Essence and Ebony magazines lying around the house — not only gave me the confidence to embrace my physical body but also to speak up in meetings, end toxic relationships, and make my well-being a priority. Beauty and style goes far beyond the surface; it should empower us to explore and challenge our own biases, celebrate ourselves, and affirm one another.

    When we thought about what to call our brand, we reflected on our core beliefs and unique approach to beauty and style content. We believe that everyone deserves to be seen and represented. We are open-minded and nonjudgmental, and we are here to encourage you...As/Is. We’re obviously going to give you the classic beauty and style content, like makeup tips for every skill level, but being prescriptive and demanding that you have to follow trends will never be our thing. We trust you to be the authority on you, because you literally are. Whether you’re struggling to get even winged eyeliner (same, tbh) or you can put together an outfit that looks like the mood board for Beyoncé’s Lemonade, we accept and welcome you exactly how you are — as is.

    Today we’re officially launching As/Is, where everything from beauty to style to culture will be available at your fingertips. We’re excited to journey forward with you, whether you’ve been riding along with BuzzFeed’s previous beauty and style content or you’re new to the brand. Know that we appreciate you and invite you to be a part of As/Is every step of the way. We wouldn’t be here without you.

    Love always,

    Essence Gant, Beauty Editor