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    9 Amazingly Moisturizing Products For When Your Skin Is Feeling Super Thirsty

    "I love looking ashy," said no one ever.

    1. Clove Oatmeal Bar Soap

    2. Coconut Love Exfoliating Scrub

    3. Whipped Custard Body Soufflè Cream

    4. Organic Body Oil

    5. Mint Julep Scrub

    6. Boots Botanics Facial Oil

    7. Kiss Me Tonight

    8. Baby Foot

    Peep the before, during, and after. (Warning: Looks a little yucky!)

    9. Honeysuckle Rose Hand Crème

    Olivina has more neutral fragrance options, too.

    For your: Hands

    Here's to loving your new skin!