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    13 Things All Writers Should Do To Make Readers Love Their Characters

    From your imagination to their hearts.

    November is halfway over now, which means that in just a few weeks, NaNoWriMo will come to a close. Every writer is thinking - what's next? How can I get my word count up to 50,000? Whether you've already finished your novel, only written one chapter, or haven't bothered participating in NaNoWriMo this month, there are still so many daunting tasks ahead. What's supposed to happen next? Why is this character annoying me? How do I write words? So, here's a list of some helpful tips for creating amazing, badass, and dynamic characters. You're welcome.

    1. Take ALL the personality tests

    2. Create ~mood~ boards

    3. Create their family tree

    4. What would your character NOT do?

    5. Make a list of all the things the reader will never know about your character

    6. What was happening in your characters life right before the story began?

    7. Talk to real life people

    8. Awaken your inner Shakespeare

    9. Make a list of the most unusual things about your character

    10. Make a list of the most boring, normal things about your character

    11. Transport your character

    12. Read some books

    13. And if all else fails, take a step back