The 18 Most Questionable Moments From MTV's "True Life"

    True Life: I'm addicted to this awful show.

    18. True Life: I'm Addicted to Porn

    17. True Life: I'm Getting Unusual Plastic Surgery

    16. True Life: I'm Addicted to Caffeine

    15. True Life: I Can't Control My Pet

    14. True Life: I'm a Clubber

    13. True Life: I'm Being Sent Away by My Parents

    12. True Life: I'm a Textaholic

    11. True Life: I'm on Steroids

    10. True Life: I'm a Gamer

    9. Followed by this guy's "I'm winning the game" face from the same episode.

    8. True Life: I Hate My Hair

    7. True Life: I Have a Strange Habit* (*eating emory boards)

    6. True Life: I'm a Sugar Baby

    5. True Life: I'm Addicted to Sex

    4. True Life: I Want to Be Straight

    3. True Life: I Have a Fetish

    2. True Life: I Hate My Face

    1. True Life: I'm Addicted to Marijuana